Coming from 24 countries across the globe, the new students highlighted the excellence of education and the prestige of the School as key factors in choosing NOVA FCT.
NOVA TechSphere will serve as a hub for applied innovation projects, facilitating knowledge transfer and testing of new technological solutions with direct market and societal impact.
For a full month, students will have access to inspiring talks, networking opportunities with leading companies, and informative sessions on academic and career paths, helping them bridge the gap to the job market.
Paula Sobral and Joana Antunes, researchers at MARE of NOVA FCT, presented essential contributions on the impact of plastics on health and the environment at the 1st National Congress on Health and Environment.
The strengthening of NOVA FCT’s staff aims to ensure the continued development of the school, both in academic and research areas, thus meeting the challenge of maintaining the excellence of its educational and scientific offerings.
Filipe Marques, professor and researcher at NOVA Math, has been elected President of PT-MATHS-IN, strengthening the connection between mathematical research and innovation in the business sector.
The research brought together several international institutions (from the USA, Canada, and France) and, from Portugal, LIBPhys NOVA FCT researchers Pedro Amaro, Mauro Guerra, Jorge Machado, and José Paulo Santos.
In-Nova, the Junior Enterprise of NOVA FCT, is competing for the Most Promising Junior Enterprise award at the JE Europe Excellence Awards, a recognition that highlights the most innovative and dynamic initiatives across the continent.
Margarida Paulino, a final-year student of the Integrated Master's in Physical Engineering at NOVA FCT, has been awarded the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, granted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
A inclusão de Jelena Vladić neste prestigiado grupo reflete o compromisso da NOVA FCT com a investigação de excelência e a sustentabilidade, destacando-se mais uma vez como um centro de referência na ciência aplicada para o bem-estar social e ambiental.
The partnership between the two institutions aims to strengthen the link between academia and the business sector, accelerating knowledge dissemination and technology transfer.
Roberta Martino, estudante do programa doutoral em Geologia da NOVA FCT, foi distinguida pela Palaeontology Association (PALASS) com o prémio "Sylvester-Bradley Award”.