Total: 16
Ongoing (2022): 365 (91M €)
ISI WOS: 4956 (4334 articles)
Scopus: 6625 (4991 articles)
The NOVA School of Science and Technology has a vast experience in cutting-edge research, development and innovation (R&D+I) due to its multidisciplinary nature and investment in fundamental and applied research in diverse areas (from materials, environment, biotechnologies, conservation and restoration, IT technology, artificial intelligence, circular economy, raw materials, among others).
The NOVA School of Science and Technology is organized into 13 Departments and 14 Research Support Services, with qualified infrastructures and facilities, 16 Research Units (evaluated by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, 11 of them as Excellent), a spin-off incubator (Madan Parque), an interface institute (UNINOVA) and a structure dedicated to R&D+I project management (NOVA.ID.FCT).
The research activity of NOVA FCT is recognized by the European Research Council (ERC), which supports outstanding researchers with pioneering ideas and is highly competitive. Until now NOVA FCT has obtained 21 ERC Grants, which attests the College's involvement in cutting-edge international research.
Following the country's growing commitment to development, NOVA FCT is also involved in nine collaborative laboratories (COLABs).
NOVA FCT has a unit dedicated to Innovation Research and Impact Strategy, which provides support to the whole cycle of innovation, from the genesis of an idea to its application in the market, contributing to the creation of value of the School.
The Nova University of Lisbon through the NOVA School of Science and Technology, one of the country’s most prestigious universities, is the leader of EIT Climate-KIC Hub Portugal since 2016, in collaboration with a number of organisations, including Building Global Innovators, a deep technology accelerator.
EIT Climate-KIC Hub Portugal connects the right people and builds up a strong community to lead the transition to a net zero carbon economy and resilient society through systems innovation.
As an up-and-coming start-up hub and host of the world-renowned Web Summit, Portugal is the ideal terrain to explore how climate innovation can spur economic development. The programmes in Portugal focus on accelerating early-stage cleantech startups and developing urban sustainability solutions.