Title: Operator’s network evolution - NGN, IMS, LTE, IPv6
Room: Auditório do Uninova
Wednesday, June 1st, 14:30h
Oradores: Francisco Fontes (Technology Senior Consultant, PT-INOVAÇÃO) Francisco Fontes received his degree in Electrical and Computers Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon (Sep/91) and his PhD (Nov/00) from the Technical University of Madrid, in the Telematics Engineering Department, in the area of Distributed Management of Telecommunication Networks. Since Sept/91 he has been working with PTIN, with main activities in several research areas, demonstration projects and consultancy. More recently, he has focused on Next Generation Networks architectures, as a Technology Senior Consultant, being responsible for the establishment of solutions in some PTIN clients. He has specialized in IP networks, with a focus in local and access networks, IPv6 and Multicast but also in IMS. Since Sep/02, he also collaborates with the University of Aveiro, Dptm of Electronics Telecommunications and Informatics, as invited professor, teaching and coordinating MsC and PhD students, in the areas of IP telecommunication networks and related services.
Frederico Vaz (Direcção de Plataformas e Engenharia de Serviços, PT), a former FCT-UNL's student in Electrical Engineering, will also attend this talk so the participants will have a chance to address questions to him.