Title: RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (BI Master), one vacant position.
Applications are invited for a Research Fellowship (BI, Master) within the R&D Project CMU-PT "PVP-SELF: SELF-ORGANIZING POWER MANAGEMENT FOR PHOTO-VOLTAIC POWER PLANTS” (REF: CMU- PT/SIA/0005/2009), in Laboratório Associado I3N Pólo CENIMAT, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, financed by FCT-MCTES under the following conditions:
Scientific Area: Materials Engineering, Physics Engineering, or related areas.
Admission requirements: Candidates must have training in a scientific area, preferably in the areas mentioned above and command English language. They should have a Master degree with a final classification not lower than 14.
Work Plan: Production of transparent electronic circuits in clean room environment, involving processes of thin film deposition by sputtering and photolithography. The work will require the optimization of the properties of the different thin films for application to circuits, particularly multicomponent oxide semiconductors and insulators, keeping all processes at temperatures below 200 ° C. The work will also include the electrical characterization of the fabricated devices, using the semiconductor parameter analyzers existent in CENIMAT for various types of IV measurements (static and dynamic) and CV. All the work will be based on developments from the group of the Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials in the area where is the European leader: Transparent Electronics.
Legislation and regulations: Law no. 40/2004, dated August 18 (Status of Scientific Research Fellow), Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources in 2010.
Workplace: The work will be developed in CENIMAT | I3N, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, under the scientific guidance of Dr. Pedro Barquinha.
Duration of the grant: The position if offered for 12 months, renewable to a maximum of 36 months. The expected starting date will be May 1, 2011.
Value of monthly maintenance allowance: The amount of the fellowship will be € 980.00 (nine hundred and eighty euros).
Methods of selection: Selection of candidates will be done in two phases: CV review and interview the candidates selected based on their CV.
Evaluation Committee:
Pedro Miguel Candido Barquinha
Elvira Maria Correia Fortunato
Substitutes - Rodrigo Ferrão Paiva Martins and Luis Miguel Nunes Pereira
Notification of results: The final evaluation results will be published as a list with candidates ordered according to their final score and will be posted in a visible and public place in CENIMAT | I3N, being the chosen candidate notified via email.
Deadline for application form and submission of applications: The contest is open from March 31 to April 15.
Applications must be formalized, necessarily, by sending an application letter together with the following documents: CV, photocopy of degree’s certificate and ID card and other documents considered relevant to the application.
Applications should be submitted as follows: in person during the period from 9h to 18h at the address indicated below, sent by mail to CENIMAT / I3N - Campus da Caparica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Quinta da Torre, 2829-516 Caparica, or by email to sec-cenimat@fct.unl.pt and pmcb@fct.unl.pt.