No âmbito da Sessão Comemorativa dos 40 anos da Química da NOVA uma das palestras será dedicada à importante relação entre a investigação fundamental, a prática clínica e a indústria biofarmacêutica. O orador será o Professor Chris Lowe da Universidade de Cambridge, cujos trabalhos em ciência fundamental e aplicada estiveram na base da criação de 10 empresas de base tecnológica. O Professor Chris Lowe recebeu inúmeras distinções a nível nacional e internacional, nomeadamente a distinção “Order of the British Empire” em 2010.
O Professor Chris Lowe irá falar na sua experiência como director da "Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences" (CATS), uma iniciativa que harmoniza e promove a relação entre ciência fundamental e aplicada na área da saúde, através do envolvimento de entidades de investigação, hospitais, empresas e agentes de regulação.
A conferência do Professor Chris Lowe insere-se no programa da Sessão Comemorativa dos 40 anos da Química da NOVA terá lugar no dia 29 de Março de 2017, no Grande Auditório da FCT NOVA, com início às 14H15. A sessão é aberta ao público.
Professor Christopher R. Lowe is in the Institute of Biotechnology at the Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge and researches in both diagnostics and therapeutics in the healthcare biotechnology sector. He is a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Physics and the Royal Society of Chemistry. He has 380 peer-reviewed publications, 8 books and monographs, >100 patents and has supervised >95 PhD students and has a number of national and international prizes: “Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement”; “Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education”; “Most Entrepreneurial Scientist of the UK”; OBE in the Queen’s New Year Honours; BBSRC Commercial Innovator of the Year in 2011. He has been the driving force for the establishment of 11 spin-out companies including ProMetic Biosciences Inc (Market Cap $1.9-2.1B), Cambridge Sensors Ltd and Psynova Neurotech Ltd and Royale Therapeutics Ltd., has a number of directorships and fosters entrepreneurship within the University via a Master’s in Bioscience Enterprise, the University’s Seed Fund Committee and other Business School and student-led activities. He is active in various government committees and in a number of legal and entrepreneurial roles.His group's primary research interest is in healthcare biotechnology, particularly where it is applied to the biopharmaceutical, sensors and diagnostics and enzyme and microbial technology sectors. The work is highly multidisciplinary and not only covers aspects of molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, chemistry, physics, electronics and engineering, but also the entire range from fundamental science to strategic and applied science. He is currently Director of the newly established Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences (CATS) within the University of Cambridge.