

Seminário Departamento de Física - "40 K Liquid Energy storage unit using liquid neon"


Seminário - apresentação pública do seu projecto de doutoramento, na presença da sua Comissão de Acompanhamento, do aluno Daniel Martins

segunda-feira dia 5 de Março, pelas 14H00 , na Sala de Seminários, Edifício I.


Temperatures below 100 K are nowadays easily reached by cryocoolers but being these machines based on compression and expansion cycles of fluids, they bring undesired oscillations to the system. Thermal energy storage unit is a device able to overcome this oscillation problem.

The main goal of this PhD work is to develop a functional thermal energy storage unit able to store about 3600 J at 40 K. This temperature range has some target applications like very sensitive superconducting electronics or infrared sensors used in space for earth observation or in scientific missions.

The physical principles, preliminary designs and results of a 40 K liquid neon thermal energy storage unit will be presented in this talk as well as the issues to be solved for obtaining a functional system.