Palestra "THOUSAND YEARS OF VENETIAN GLASS TECHNOLOGY", pelo artista Marco Verità (organização VICARTE)
27 Maio | 14H00
FCT/UNL, Sala 201 - Ed.IV
Marco Verità
Graduated in chemistry in 1973 in the University of Padua, was a researcher in the Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro (Murano, Venice, Italy) since 1977 until 2008. Since January 2009 he started a cooperative work with the LAMA Laboratory (Laboratory of Analysis of Ancient Materials) of the IUAV Architecture University in Venice. His activity concentrates on analyses of glass and related problems by X-ray instrumentation. The main topics studied are: chemical composition of glasses, glazes, refractories and related properties; characterisation of glass surfaces and of the deterioration mechanisms;
enamels on glass and metals, glazes and enamels on ceramic body; analyses of ancient glass and glassy materials and studies on ancient technology.