11-18 May
Dan Olsen and Peter Hall, University of Texas at Austin
Mapping as Visual Inquiry
In recent years, designers, architects and artists have increasingly turned to mapping as a means of researching and visualizing complex problems, and revealing potential solutions. Drawing from cartographic practices, but questioning the limitations of traditional maps, many recent mapping projects explore how overlooked interests and seemingly immeasurable elements like emotions can be visualized using collaborative methods and technologies.
In an opening talk, Peter Hall will discuss the emergence of mapping as a design process and asks what technology design might learn from these experimental approaches.
► May 11, 10am (Lecture)
Location: Auditório da Biblioteca, FCT/UNL, Monte da Caparica
The accompanying workshop will be led by Peter Hall and Dan Olsen. It will consist of a morning reading seminar followed by an optional afternoon lab.
The seminar will provide an extensive review of pivotal readings and films in regard to mapping. A reading list and the individual texts are available online at http://peterahall.com/mapping. Students should explore the readings in advance of May 11.
In the lab students will use their individual technical skills to make mapping experiments. Projects are designed to provide the student an opportunity to investigate aspects of their own research. Students will initiate projects/mappings that they can pursue and complete following the workshop.
► May 11-18, 10am-12am (Reading Seminar), 2pm-5pm (Lab - optional)
Location: UT Austin|Portugal MediaGround Room, Building VII, FCT/UNL, Monte da Caparica. The seminar and workshop are free but registration is required by email to cc@fct.unl.pt.
Mais informação sobre o programa “Design and Computation Series” pode ser encontrada aqui: