Erasmus+ Studies (SMS) 2025-2026 – FAQs



All students that are really interested and enrolled at NOVA FCT in studies that lead to a recognized degree (bachelor's degree – 1st cycle, master's degree – 2nd cycle, doctorate – 3rd cycle) are eligible to apply.


2nd cycle vacancies are intended for Master students or final-year undergraduate students who intend to enrol in Master Program at NOVA FCT in 2025/2026.

3rd cycle vacancies are intended for PhD students or 2nd cycle graduate students who intend to enrol in PhD Program at NOVA FCT in 2025/2026.

You can, only if you have already taken 126 ECTS which must be registered in CLIP. The agreement must include the 1st and 2nd cycles, as well as being advised for the current and future courses.

You can, only if you have already taken 90 ECTS which must be registered in CLIP. The agreement must include the 2nd and 3rd cycles, as well as being advised for the current and future courses.

Mobility minimum duration is 2 months and the maximum is 12 months.

You may, as long as you are enrolled at NOVA FCT. However, you must pay attention to the visa application.

Yes, you can. Throughout your academic career, you can benefit from the 12 months period of mobility for each cycle of studies. Please note: If in your current study cycle you have already done Erasmus through NOVA FCT or another higher education institution, the number of months in Erasmus will be deducted from the total of 12 months which you are entitled to.

No. You can only apply for vacancies in agreements that are suitable for your course.

  1. Check the list of Erasmus interinstitutional agreements to verify which agreements are suitable for your course and for which cycle of studies.
  2. Refer to the webpage of the Host University (UA) in which you intend to perform the mobility, in order to see if there are any subjects of interest, and what the prerequisites are (for example, if a language level is required).


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Results and selection

You should confirm your interest in the Erasmus mobility in the CLIP.

This obligation is maintained for students placed in the 2nd phase.

[All: Please check the deadlines in the Erasmus calendar (SMS)].

CLIP automatically prevents the student from undertaking Erasmus mobility in the academic year following that of the application.

No. The 2nd phase is exclusively for students who were not placed in the 1st phase.


If your colleague drops out between phase 1 and 2, you can apply for phase 2.

No. The 2nd phase is exclusively meant for students who pre-applied but did not get a place in the 1st phase, hereinafter referred to as "non-placed students".

Regardless of your position, if there is a withdrawal in an agreement you applied for, and as long as you have not been placed, you can apply for the vacancy by email (to: DMIE will analyse the situation and will inform you of the result.

You may, as long as you inform the DMIE.

Yes. As long as the UA deadlines for nominating students are met. You should check CLIP regularly, since after the formalisation of applications period, the system will automatically eliminate those who have not formalized their application and may free up vacancies.


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No. Although all students who pre-apply are eligible to receive an Erasmus grant, attribution will depend on the budget made available by the Rectory of NOVA for this purpose, and if the mobility is not solely distance learning.

You will receive a scholarship for the actual length of stay, as stated in the Learning Agreement.

It depends on the country you have been selected to. Please note that the scholarship amount awarded is only meant to cover the difference in standard of living between our country and the destination country.

Regardless of whether or not you are a SAS scholarship holder, the attribution of an Erasmus scholarship depends exclusively on seriation.

No application is required. Students who have both Erasmus and SAS grants are automatically eligible for the Erasmus Supplementary Grant. The SAS and the Rectory will examine these particular cases.

No! The scholarship is paid in two instalments. Initially, a transfer of 70% of the total amount is made (1st instalment). After the return of the student, and upon submission of the Declaration of Stay, Transcript of Records (TR), 2nd OLS test and submission of the Final Report, the payment of the remaining 30% (2nd instalment) will be made. Considering that there was academic success.

Yes, if the following procedure is completed no later than 60 days prior to the mobility.

The payment of the 1st instalment (70% of the scholarship) is made after the signature of the Erasmus+ contract, which will only be issued by the DMIE after the students have filled in and uploaded all necessary documentation through the Erasmus+ Platform. The International Mobilities Management Unit of The Rectory of NOVA will issue the payment order, once the Vice-Rector signs the referred contract.

Yes. To not be obliged to return the 1st instalment of the scholarship and to receive the 2nd instalment, you must succeed in at least one course (language course is not considered) that is included in the study plan (Learning Agreement) or in the Changes.

The requests for extension of the study period do not guarantee a complementary grant, i.e. it will only be paid if there is an allocated surplus.

Yes. The mobility is carried out without the attribution of funding (“zero-scholarship”).


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Formalization of the application

Deadlines are defined annually. It is advisable to regularly consult the DMIE - European Mobility - Erasmus Programme (SMS) (Studies) page, where these same deadlines will be defined.

If you withdraw your application, you must submit a Withdrawal Form stating the reasons for your withdrawal and, if appliable send an email to and attach a supporting document.

In the following year, you will not be able to apply for the Erasmus Studies mobility (as registered in the CLIP).

The documents that the UA asks you to complete.

However, to formalize the application at the DMIE, it is necessary to send a PDF copy of the Learning Agreement (LA) created on the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) Platform, which is the document containing the curricular units that the student intends to take at the UA (Table A) and the accreditation of skills and knowledge to which you will be entitled at NOVA FCT when you return (Table B).

On the DMIE page you will find a Tutorial on filling out the LA on the OLA Platform.

In CLIP, in the European Mobility area and/or in the NOVA FCT webpage - Student / Reception and Mobility - "Formalization of Applications" - Definitive List of Interinstitutional Agreements.

The start date must correspond to the 1st day of classes or welcome session (if applicable), and the mobility end date must correspond to the last day of the UA examination season.

Please refer to the UA website or the UA International Relations Office.

The Course Coordinator and the Erasmus Departmental Coordinator of the student's course.

You must send the LA to the DMIE, by email, in order to be verified if all fields are properly completed. You should send your student and mobile number must be included in the email.

It may not be enough, as some UAs have their own application documents and procedures. Therefore, students should browse the Erasmus information on the UA website or, proceed accordingly, if they receive an email from the UA with instructions.

All students who have formalized their application will receive an email requiring them to fill in their personal and mobility data in the Erasmus+ Platform. Supporting bank document of NIB, IBAN and SWIFT (with the student's name printed on it) must also be uploaded in the platform.

No. Although students are selected by NOVA FCT and formalize the Erasmus application (by submitting the documentation requested by NOVA FCT and the UA), the mobility will only be assured when the UA approves the application and informs the student that he has been accepted.

It depends on whether the student has carried out all the procedures requested by the UA and how long each UA requires to analyse the applications. The acceptance is formally communicated by the UA by sending the Letter of Acceptance and the LA, signed by the legal representative of the UA.

Yes. You should immediately send the documents to the DMIE, as the LA signed by the UA will have to be uploaded on the Erasmus + Platform.

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, the European Commission has contracted an online support service for participants in long-term mobility activities (i.e., mobilities ongoing for 2 to 12 months) titled Online Linguistic Support (OLS). The OLS will consist of the following:

  1. 1. Test 1 to assess the student's language skills (mandatory) - before the mobility begins.
  2. 2. Language course (optional) - at the beginning of the mobility.
  3. 3. Test 2 to assess the student's language skills (mandatory) - at the end of the mobility (two weeks before the end of the mobility).

The assessment tests and the OLS language courses are free of charge.

The students will be emailed the invitation to take the first assessment test. As you click the invitation link, the name of the University of Porto will appear, since the OLS Platform was created by that University. This is not a mistake, so you should proceed and take the assessment test.

The OLS is stipulated in article 6 of the Erasmus Mobility Contract which the student will sign, and it is mandatory.

If the first test result corresponds to a C2 level, the student may attend a different language course of his choice.

For further information on the OLS, please refer to the following link:

Through the UA International Relations Office.


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The Erasmus contract is sent by the DMIE to the institutional email of the student who will sign it and return it to the DMIE, also by email. Therefore, the student does not have to go to the DMIE to sign the contract.

Without the signed contract, the Rectory will not pay the 1st instalment of the Erasmus scholarship.

In addition to filling in the data in the Erasmus+ Platform, it is also necessary to have sent the Learning Agreement signed by the UA to the DMIE.


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Before starting the mobility period

  • You must renew your registration at NOVA FCT, as you would if not in mobility;
  • You must pay the tuition fees at NOVA FCT;
  • You must not enroll in curricular units at NOVA FCT, in the semester in which you are going to carry out the mobility;
  • You must take the 1st Online Language Support (OLS) test. You will receive an email with the access link.


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During the mobility period

No. Erasmus students are exempt from paying UA tuition fees, as these are charged at the home university. The UA may charge some additional fees, such as insurance, student card and student association fee.

You should ask the UA International Relations Office to send the following to the DMIE:

  • your proof of arrival;
  • a copy of the Learning Agreement, duly signed by the UA, if not sent before the beginning of the mobility.

It depends on what was set in your Learning Agreement before the beginning of the mobility.

Please be reminded that the maximum ECTS to complete are:

  • 30 ECTS per semester;
  • 60 ECTS per year.

Yes. Examinations results are considered for scholarship purposes and for accrediting skills and knowledge.

For any contact with NOVA FCT only the student's institutional e-mail address will be used.

It is the student's responsibility to read messages regularly and to check the Spam folder.


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Changes to the study plan and extension

You must complete a document called Changes, at OLA.

This document, after being signed by all those involved (NOVA FCT and UA), must be sent by the student to the DMIE, within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of arrival at the UA (in PDF, by email).

In this form, in Table A2 you must only include the course units you wish to remove and/or add, marking with a cross whether it is a deleted or added subject.

In table B2, the academic accreditation of skills and knowledge that will be granted in NOVA FCT (if you are successful) must be made to correspond with respect to table A2. That is, if you delete a course unit in table A2, you should also remove in table B2 the course unit at NOVA FCT that would entitle you to academic recognition. You should adopt the same procedure for the course units added.

Course units that are already part of the initial Learning Agreement and that have not been changed should not be registered in this document.

Firstly, contact the coordinator of your course at NOVA FCT and outline with the teacher which course units to be taken and their respective credits. Afterwards, you should send the form concerning the extension request to the DMIE, as well as the Changes with the course units you wish to add. Both must be duly filled in and signed by you and by the UA.

Students who undertake mobility in the second semester cannot ask for an extension for the next semester, as it relates to a different academic year.

Students in this situation can ask for an extension until September, since this extension does not involve classes, only coordination work by a supervisor at the UA.

No. If the UA so authorises, the student can take exams in September. However, this period will not be quantified as mobility months.


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After the end of the mobility period

Students have 30 days after the end of their mobility to provide the following documents:

  1. Certificate of Attendance - signature date of this document must be the same or later than the date of conclusion of the mobility.
  2. Transcript of Records - certificate with the curricular units accomplished at UA during the mobility period.
    PLEASE NOTE: students have to upload both documents on Erasmus+ Platform and send an email ( informing that they have acted in accordance.
  3. Participant Report - students will receive an email requesting the completion of the final report.
  4. 2nd OLS test - a test to verify the linguistic progress achieved during the mobility period.

It is advisable to use the form of the Rectory of NOVA, but it is possible to accept the UA template, as long as it guarantees the necessary information.

If the student’s grades have not yet been posted at the date of return, the student should ask the International Relations Office of the UA to email the original document to the DMIE. This document is essential for the academic recognition and to receive the full Erasmus scholarship.

No. If you are able to take some curricular unit when you return, you can take it in the special season, should you agree it with the teacher of the curricular unit. If not, you should follow the assessment regulation.


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Academic recognition

When the student informs the DMIE that the TR has been uploaded in the Erasmus+ Platform, the academic recognition process is elaborated and sent to the course Coordinator of the student.

Academic recognition is based on the acknowledgment of the competences acquired by the student through the completion of curricular units accomplished in the scope of other national or international higher education study cycles, and their relevance concerning the course in which the student is enrolled, considering the objectives and contents of the curricular units of the curricular plan, including the free options.

The recognition can only be granted in a number of credits coinciding with a whole number of curricular units in the curricular plan of the course in which the student is enrolled, in one or both of the following ways:

  • In one or more specific curricular units (compulsory or conditioned) included in the study plan of the destination course, the objectives of which comprise the credited competences;
  • In credits in one of the conditional or free options (e.g., Unrestricted Elective A or B), up to the maximum stipulated by the study plan of the destination course.

The NOVA FCT Regulation on the Creditation of Competences, Training and Professional Experience is available for consultation here.


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No. To obtain medical assistance abroad you must apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which is free of charge and valid for one year. You can apply for your European Health Card at Loja do Cidadão, Social Security or any other institution with which you are registered.

It is advised to carefully read the information on

If the mobility is in the United Kingdom or Switzerland, you will have to contract a health insurance which will entitle you to medical assistance.

If interested in assistance insurance abroad, you should refer to the following websites:


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Other information

Yes. European students have the possibility to search for information which enables them to make more informed choices about possible academic exchanges, safeguarding accessibility and support services for special needs.

For further information, please refer to:


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