Palestra pelo Prof. José Barata


The IEEE Student Branch ends the cycle of lectures on "IEEE Future Tech" next March, 16. Show up and you will learn how science and technology can be applied in the industry.

Date: 16 March 14.00h - Auditório UNINOVA

Title: " Multiagent Systems in Manufacturing - Sistemas Multiagentes na Manufactura"

Multiagent systems are the next step in intelligent automation systems as they promote the development of open mechatronic architectures that are seamlessly pluggable/interoperable and inherently robust.

Speaker: José Barata

Professor at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Researcher of the Group of Robotic Systems and CIM of the Center for Intelligent Robotics of the UNINOVA Institute.

Come and learn with an expert in the field.

For further information, please go to


We hope to see you

IEEE-UNL Student Branch