


Throughout the month of October, the NOVA FCT Library is promoting various training and dissemination sessions on Open Science, with a particular focus on issues related to scientific publishing.


Among the 70 student-athletes who achieved outstanding sporting results throughout the 2022/2023 academic year, representing the University in national and international competitions, 29 are from NOVA FCT.


"From Baroque to Broadway in Four Seasons with Madness" is the theme of this performance which, for around an hour, will present spectators the opportunity to watch the musical quartet Alma Veteras Ensemble perform. 


Over the course of a week, 50 participants from various nationalities and scientific backgrounds had the opportunity to explore Machine Learning applied to aerospace science at the 1st edition of NOVA FCT's ML4Space Summer School.


Tickets are already on sale. 


In his address, José Júlio Alferes, the Dean of NOVA FCT, emphasized, "In science and engineering we do, and we don't just do with what we know, we do with imagination to build a sustainable future."


The TWIZ team long-term vision is to move multimodal conversational AI closer to the way humans communicate and solve tasks.


The meeting, attended by more than twenty senior academic staff members from the Brazilian institution, provided an overview of the Faculty, emphasizing the activities of its departments, particularly in teaching and research.


The election was held on September 5th 2023, and the new members are expected to take office at the beginning of 2024.


The main goal of this event is to establish an annual European platform for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in solid-state devices and circuits.


The team of NOVA FCT students secured victory with their proposal for a biosensor designed to rapidly detect the severity of traumatic brain injury (TBI).


In comparison to the previous year, NOVA FCT increased by 6.94% in the number of students expressing keen interest in joining the School as their primary choice. 
