

NOVA FCT: is the first choice for 77% of New Students


NOVA FCT has been growing as the preferred option among students. This deduction stems from the analysis of the recently published results released by the Directorate General for Higher Education of the National Call for Access and Admission to Higher Education (Call aqui no fim talvez).

In comparison to the previous year, NOVA FCT increased by 6.94% in the number of students expressing keen interest in joining the School as their primary choice. With 77% of students having opted to study at NOVA FCT, and 61% of these individuals managed to get into their first choice courses.

At a national level, the School continued to lead in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Conservation-Restoration, and Mathematics. On a regional scale, NOVA FCT maintains its dominance in the fields of Biochemistry and Civil Engineering.

José Júlio Alferes, the Dean of NOVA FCT, remarks, "The strategic investment in the novel Agro-Industrial Technology program has undoubtedly paid off, as evidenced by the complete occupancy of all available slots in the initial phase."

During this phase, the school achieved an impressive 95.6% placement rate, set to welcome a total of 1042 fresh students across its array of 19 undergraduate programmes courses this September.