


More than 200 students and recent graduates had the opportunity to interact with approximately 150 influential companies.


This new interdisciplinary programme is the result of a partnership between five schools at NOVA University Lisbon - the NOVA School of Law, Nova SBE, NOVA FCT, NOVA FCSH and NOVA IMS - as well as the University of the Algarve and the University of Évora.


Ivan Santos, researcher at NOVA FCT's CENIMAT|i3N, received the First Honourable Mention from the Order of Engineers (Ordem dos Engenheiros), during the World Materials Day 2023 ceremony.


TunaMaria receives another award for its festival performance.


A NOVA FCT project, in collaboration with CEABN — Instituto Superior de Agronomia, is one of the five winners of the second edition of the "UP — Higher Education Programme" of the Fundação Luso Americana para o Desenvolvimento (FLAD).


The 2023 edition of the "Novos Talentos" Scholarship, presented by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, acknowledged the achievements of six students from NOVA FCT in the fields of Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.


ince 2015, NOVA FCT has been promoting the "Embaixadores" (Ambassadors) project, which aims to present the scientific research behind teaching. 


This event represents a unique opportunity for the academic community and the general public to get an up-close look at the excellent work carried out at the Nova University Lisbon and how it translates into innovation and value for society.


For many students, this was their first contact with the business world.


"This is an excellent example of the development of innovative solutions through the creation of mixed project teams with the participation of the scientific community, companies and sponsors", the professors explain.


The program in October 28th centers on curricular trends in Secondary Education in the past and the program on November 11th focuses on curricular trends in Secondary Education in the present.


Participants had the opportunity to learn about the state of the art in this scientific area with practical sessions, tutorials and lectures by experts in advanced structural elucidation techniques in the field of glycosciences.
