

Ceremony marks the end of NOVA FCT's Welcome Week and encourages students to shape a sustainable future


On the morning of September 11th, the closing ceremony for NOVA FCT's Welcome Week concluded, symbolizing the official commencement of the academic year. This event, which introduced more than 1,000 new NOVA FCT students to the campus, their peers, and faculty, served as an inspiring kickoff to their university journey.

In his address, José Júlio Alferes, the Dean of NOVA FCT, emphasized, "In science and engineering we do, and we don't just do with what we know, we do with imagination to build a sustainable future."

During the session, NOVA Vice-Rector Pedro Saraiva encouraged the students by saying, " Take advantage of the diversity of knowledge and experiences at what is surely NOVA's largest school. We are committed to preparing you for a world that is in great need of scientists and engineers."

As students embark on their academic journey at the Caparica Campus, their excitement is palpable. Joaquim Nascimento, pursuing Mechanical Engineering, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "I'm eager to begin classes and delve into my chosen course." Maria Pereira, among the first students enrolled in the innovative Agro-Industrial Technology program, shares this enthusiasm, saying, "I'm thrilled about the atmosphere here and can't wait to be one of the pioneers in this course."

Andreia Neves, one of 25 students entering the Mathematics program at NOVA FCT, represents a unique journey. She left behind a career in clinical psychology, spanning over a decade, to embrace the challenging realm of mathematics. She explained, "I aim to specialize in financial mathematics and data analysis, areas I'm passionate about and already have some experience in."

Carla Quintão, Vice-Dean for the Pedagogical Council, urged students to actively participate and collaborate, emphasizing, "We expect you to be respectful, diligent, and demanding. We aim to build this academic journey together with you."

Margarida Marques, President of the NOVA FCT Student Association, and Inês Moreira, representative of the Lisbon Academic Federation, were also present at the event. In the afternoon, students had the opportunity to explore their respective departments and laboratories, guided by the Presidents and Course Coordinators.

Full house of new students excited about the year ahead 
The NOVA FCT Board, with the NOVA University representative

Pedro Saraiva, NOVA Vice-Rector
José Júlio Alferes, NOVA FCT Dean

Carla Quintão, Vice-Dean for the Pedagogical Council
Margarida Marques,  President of the NOVA FCT Student Association

Inês Moreira, rrepresentative of the Lisbon Academic Federation