

Luís Pereira elected Board Member of the Federation of European Materials Societies


Luís Pereira, a professor in the Department of Materials Sciences and a researcher at CENIMAT of NOVA FCT, was recently elected to the Board Member of the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS).

This network of European materials scientists and engineers brings together 27 societies and more than 25,000 members from 22 countries. By strengthening interaction between Materials Scientists and Engineers across Europe, amidst the different European Materials Societies and between the Member Societies and the European Union, FEMS aims to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and provide the critical mass needed to exert influence on a European scale.

With a successful career in the field of materials, the professor is currently, in addition, he is currently CTO at Colaborative Laboratory AlmaScience, the coordinator of the Southern Region Materials College of the Portuguese Order of Engineers, vice-president of the Portuguese Materials Society (SPM) and vice-president of TCM-Net (Transparent Conductive Materials Network).

The election was held on September 5th 2023, and the new members are expected to take office at the beginning of 2024.