Undergraduate Programme in Environmental Engineering


Undergraduate Programme in Environmental Engineering

The planet's sustainability is increasingly present in the scientific, political, economic and social agendas, urging the best of innovation and competences from professionals. Climate change, ecosystems’ fragmentation, loss of biodiversity, water scarcity, soil degradation, resource depletion and water and sanitation services are examples calling for innovative solutions. Companies, organizations and communities have been recognizing the value of a healthy Planet for their success and for the well-being and quality of life of the populations. The United Nations agenda for 2030 is a primer for all countries and organizations to work and develop policies, products and services aligned with and targeted to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, international instruments, as the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal, and national strategies (e.g. the Carbon Neutrality Roadmaps of the Portuguese Economy up to 2050) are pushing innovation and investments towards new products and services, new business models, and new behaviors and values compatible to sustainable development. Environmental Engineering contributes to a healthy balance between society and economy and the sustainability of the Planet.


The 3-year Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering (LEA) provides the necessary skills to start a professional career in the field of Environmental Engineering, as well as the pursuit of master's studies, especially in the Environmental Engineering Master Degree. The Environmental Engineering course by NOVA School of Sciences and Technology has been a pioneer for over 40 years, combining basic engineering skills (mathematics, physics, chemistry, computing) with natural sciences (such as biology and ecology) and social sciences, integrating technological, ecological, economic and social issues.

Understand the functioning of natural systems; identify and analyze the pressures on environmental systems and how they can be overcome; evaluate and manage natural resources such as water and energy; understand industrial, urban and technological processes; and to identify solutions and opportunities for innovation, are competences and capabilities provided by the course LEA. The focus is on holistic training and systemic thinking, analytical skills, innovation and collaborative models. The ultimate goal of Environmental Engineering is to provide solutions for economic and social activities aligned with the sustainable development.

Check the course curriculum here


Career opportunities

The interdisciplinary nature of the Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering offers its graduates a unique profile for working on multiple interfaces, particularly useful for dealing with complex systems, and for exploring job opportunities in a wide range of professional contexts. Graduates in Environmental Engineering add value to any organization that has to deal with environmental and sustainability issues.  

The current high level and quality of employability of Environmental Engineering professionals, in the national and global market, will expand in view of the ecological transition that economies are starting to adopt. Professional opportunities in many fields include consulting, auditing or service and utilities companies, industry, public organizations such as municipalities or regional government, international organizations such as the European Commission, European Environment Agency or other European organizations.



Tuition Fees 

Portuguese students: 697 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year


Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:


Specific exams:

One of the following groups: 

02 Biology and Geology +  19 Mathematics A or

07 Physics and Chemistry + 19 Mathematics A

Minimum grade of the specific(s) exam(s): 95

Minimum grade of the application: 95

Admission formula:

60% of the final grade obtained in  secondary school
40% of the final grade of the specific(s) exam(s)

Grade of the last admitted student 2023/2024 : 130,6

Average grade of admitted students 2023/2024 : 151,6

Course coordinator:

 Professor Pedro Coelho


Registration and Accreditation

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr37/2021/AL01 on 04/12/2023

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 04/02/2021

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2020

About the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering

The Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (DCEA) at NOVA FCT started in 1976, with the launching of the Environmental Engineering course, a first of its kind worldwide. Over the past 40 years, DCEA has been able to adapt to the extraordinary evolution in this area, expanding the scope and expertise to tackle new environmental and sustainability challenges of the 21st Century. DCEA provides several courses (bachelor, master and doctoral courses) in the broad area of environment and sustainability, guided by scientific and technical quality, preparing the students for the national and international markets. DCEA also promotes R&D, assumed as a key pillar of teaching, by supporting national and international projects and an extensive network of collaboration with industry and public administration. DCEA coordinates several education programmes under the EIT Climate-KIC, namely the Journey, the Climate Innovation Leadership program and Pioneers in Practice.  

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