Undergraduate Programme in Applied Mathematics to Risk Management


Undergraduate Programme in Applied Mathematics to Risk Management

The new Undergraduate Programme in Applied Mathematics to Risk Management (UPAMRM) by the NOVA School of Science and Technology is a first cycle course with a duration of three years, which aims, on the one hand, to respond to frequent students, who, having aptitude and taste for Mathematics, intend to acquire skills and knowledge in more applied areas, such as Actuarial Mathematics (What is an actuary?), Financial Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics.


The course has a threefold objective: to provide a solid core training in mathematics essential for risk assessment, to recognize the student to a degree that allows him immediate integration into the job market and the knowledge needed to progress to more advanced cycles of study, as a master's or doctorate in Applied Mathematics. Graduates in Applied Mathematics to Risk Management will be able to pursue their studies at the 2nd cycle in the Master in Actuarial Mathematics, as well as in the Master in Mathematics and Applications, which provides specializations in Actuarial Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research and also in Financial Mathematics, taught by the Department of Mathematics at NOVA FCT.

UPAMRM differs from other academic offerings, both at local and at national level, due to its architecture in accordance with internationally recognized requirements for professionals in risk analysis. The focus is on applied mathematics, complemented by knowledge of economics and computer science, which are understood as essential to identification, quantification, mitigation and risk management, particularly in financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies.

NOVA FCT has long been a national reference in the training of actuaries, privileging interdisciplinarity, not only for its scientific interest, but also for the demands of the labor market. This course counts on a group of professors with long experience in training professionals in the area of risk, most of them occupying prominent positions in entities and companies of reference, both national and international. The Department of Mathematics has maintained excellent relations with companies / employers, including Research projects, facilitating the involvement of students in internships, and gives their students the possibility to study abroad under the Erasmus + program in one of the several partner universities of the DM, with full academic recognition.


Career opportunities

The employability associated with courses in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics is around 100% and among the more than a thousand graduates of the Department of Mathematics at NOVA FCT, the number of unemployed is residual, attesting to our capacity to train students with recognized competence and knowledge in the business environment and at the level of public institutions.
Graduates of the Degree in Applied Mathematics to Risk Management acquire the needed skills to pursue studies at the level of the 2nd cycle and their insertion in the labor market in areas related to banking, insurance, social security, pension funds, finance and economics.

Tuition Fees 

Portuguese students: 697 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year



Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:


Specific exams:

19 Mathematics A

Minimum grade of the specific(s) exam(s): 120

Minimum grade of the application: 120

Admission formula:

60% from the final classification obtained in Secondary School
40% from the obtained classification at specific exam(s)

Grade of the last admitted student 2023/2024 : 172,6

Average grade of admitted students 2023/2024 : 177,0

Course coordinator:

Professor Gracinda Guerreiro


Accreditation and Registration

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 22/02/2018

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2017

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr 14/2018/AL02 on 06/07/2022

About the Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics (DM) is a permanent teaching and research unit of the NOVA School of Science and Technology . In the DM, multiple activities in the field of Mathematics are developed, ranging from teaching and research to promotion and dissemination, through lifelong training and the provision of services to the community. The DM is currently a body of more than 70 Doctorate professors.

The DM is in charge of the Degree in Mathematics, the Degree in Applied Mathematics to Risk Management, the Master in Actuarial Mathematics, the Master in Mathematics and Applications, the Master in Mathematics Teaching for the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education, as well of the PhD in Mathematics at NOVA University. The DM also ensures the teaching of propaedeutic subjects in the field of Mathematics for the various courses at NOVA FCT.

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