Doutoramento em Matemática


PhD in Mathematics

This PhD program in Mathematics started in 2009/2010. The minimum number of credits required to complete this degree is 180 ECTS = 60 ECTS / year x 3 (years).



This PhD program aims at training researchers and scientific leaders in Mathematics and provide them with a robust scientific background in this area of knowledge. To this end, students must engage in courses under this scientific area and, furthermore, develop an original thesis that extends the boundaries of knowledge and whose content deserve the acceptance for publication in international peer-reviewed journals.


Study Plan

1) The program leading to the doctoral degree includes:

a. A PhD course, consisting in three optional courses and a mandatory Seminar within the chosen area of specialization.

b. The development of an original thesis, especially designed for this purpose, that extends the boundaries of knowledge within the scope of the chosen area of specialization. The content of the thesis must have previously earned acceptance in peer-reviewed international journals.

2) The PhD program in Mathematics is organized into four areas of specialization:

Algebra and Logic (AL);

Analysis and Geometry (AG);

Operations Research (OR);

Statistics and Risk Management (SRM).

3) For each area of specialization, the curricular structure includes courses in Mathematics.

4) As the PhD work plan is completely individualized, the optional courses must be chosen within a possible list, if possible proposed the scientific supervisor.

5) The successful accomplishment of the courses in Mathematics as a part of the PhD program entitles the student to a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Mathematics from NOVA FCT, which explicitly states the area of specialization.

6) An overall description of the doctoral thesis, including a brief explanation of the research to be pursued, the expected results, and the main technical problems to be dealt with, are to be proposed by the candidate's supervisor until the end of the first year of studies.


Career opportunities

The professional employment opportunities are mainly found in academia, research labs, national and international companies with a high technological, analytical and/or logistical components, and in the financial industry.



Lectures and reading courses. Tutorials.

Tuition fee

Portuguese students:

2 750 Euros/ year 

Foreign students:

2 750 Euros/ year 


1st phase: 11th march to 5th april 2024

2nd phase: 3rd to 28th june 2024


Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:


Admission rules:

Candidates for this program of study should satisfy at least one of the following conditions: 

a) hold a master’s degree, or legal equivalent, in a relevant field, with a minimal classification of 14 (out of 20), or equivalent;
b) hold a bachelor’s degree, or legal equivalent, and have relevant academic or scientific experience that is recognized by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCT as attesting to the capacity to accomplish this program of studies; 
c) have an academic, scientific or professional experience that is recognized by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCT as attesting to the capacity to accomplish this program of studies.

Required documentation

1. Passport / citizenship card. 
2. Degree certificates and transcripts including all grades. Any certificate that is not issued in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English should be accompanied by an official translation to Portuguese or English. Certificates issued by non-Portuguese entities should be either validated by the competent consular services or affixed with a ‘Hague Apostille’.
3. Curriculum vitae; 
4. Passport-sized photograph;
5. Motivation letter; 
6. Thesis project*;
7. Letter of acceptance for supervision*.

*For help regarding these documents, please contact the coordination of the PhD Programme in Mathematics.

Ranking of candidates 

a. classification of the master’s and / or bachelor’s degree;
b. academic and scientific experience; 
c. professional experience;
d. thesis project;
e. interview, if needed.


Course coordinator:

João Jorge Ribeiro Soares Gonçalves de Araújo


Scientific Committee:

António Malheiro

Fernanda Cipriano

Isabel Correia

Isabel Oitavem

Magda Rebelo

Paula Amaral

Regina Bispo

Rui Cardoso

Registration and Accreditation

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr 188/2015/AL01 on 18/10/2022

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 21/03/2022

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2020

About the Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics (DM) is a permanent teaching and research unit of the NOVA School of Science and Technology . In the DM, multiple activities in the field of Mathematics are developed, ranging from teaching and research to promotion and dissemination, through lifelong training and the provision of services to the community. The DM is currently a body of more than 70 Doctorate professors.

The DM is in charge of the Degree in Mathematics, the Degree in Applied Mathematics to Risk Management, the Master in Actuarial Mathematics, the Master in Mathematics and Applications, the Master in Mathematics Teaching for the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education, as well of the PhD in Mathematics at NOVA University. The DM also ensures the teaching of propaedeutic subjects in the field of Mathematics for the various courses at NOVA FCT.

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