PhD in Environment and Sustainability


PhD in Environment and Sustainability

Started in 2014/2015.


The main objective of PDAS is the formation of doctors able to apply a scientific approach to environmental issues and sustainability. PDAS’ vision aims to empower change agents to support companies in achieving the necessary transformations to build a more sustainable future.

Leadership in business, industry, government and society in general require a high degree of technical and scientific knowledge, as well as a mature understanding of the human dimensions of sustainable development. In this context, the main objective of PDAS is to provide an advanced interdisciplinary training in environmental sciences and sustainability, taking into account the technical, ecological, social, economic and institutional dimensions required to address the challenges of sustainability. PDAS is built on a strong research base anchored in two recognized research centers of excellence of the NOVA School of Science and Technology: CENSE - Research Centre for Environment and Sustainability and MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre. In particular, PDAS aims to provide its graduates with:

  • A solid scientific culture, with a horizontal and integrated perspective in the field of environmental science and sustainability;
  • The opportunity to acquire advanced training enabling them to identify and analyze the problems of sustainability, propose answers, and design and implement innovative solutions based on the development of applied research;
  • The ability to integrate knowledge of various areas to better address the current problems of sustainability in a transdisciplinary approach;
  • The possibility of participating in international research teams, thereby facilitating their integration into the global network of scientists in your area, and thus contributing to their entry into the labor market at national, European and world level;
  • Entrepreneurial capacity enabling them to develop new companies and businesses, in particular by promoting the link between R & D activities and the economic and business environment.



Day and tutorial system

Tuition fee

Portuguese students:

2 750 Euros/ year 

Foreign students:

2 750 Euros/ year 


1st phase: 11th march to 5th april 2024

2nd phase: 3rd to 28th june 2024

3rd phase: 19th August to 6th September 2024

4th phase: 08th to 31st january 2025


Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:


Admission rules:

Candidates for the PDAS must meet the conditions of access and enrollment in doctoral programs indicated in FCT-UNL General Regulations for Doctoral programs, meeting at least the conditions expressed in the following points:

a) Holders of master's degree or legal equivalent;

b) Bachelor's degree holders and holders of a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum recognized as attesting the capacity to accomplish this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council;

c) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting the capacity to accomplish this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council.


The presentation of a motivation letter, where the student identifies and justifies their research interests and motivation to attend the program;

Pre-specified levels of success TOEFL (> 100) or First Certificate in English;

Two recommendation letters;

Performance evaluation of an admission interview carried out by at least three members of PDAS Scientific Committee.

Students of any nationality may apply.

Usually it is required a minimum score of 16/20 or equivalent, Master, although students may be admitted with lower ratings in duly justified cases, depending on the evaluation of the Program’s Scientific Committee.

Course coordinator:

Professor Tomás Augusto Barros Ramos

Accreditation and Registration

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 20/12/2022

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2020

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr 64/2014 on 20/05/2014

About the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering

The Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (DCEA) at NOVA FCT started in 1976, with the launching of the Environmental Engineering course, a first of its kind worldwide. Over the past 40 years, DCEA has been able to adapt to the extraordinary evolution in this area, expanding the scope and expertise to tackle new environmental and sustainability challenges of the 21st Century. DCEA provides several courses (bachelor, master and doctoral courses) in the broad area of environment and sustainability, guided by scientific and technical quality, preparing the students for the national and international markets. DCEA also promotes R&D, assumed as a key pillar of teaching, by supporting national and international projects and an extensive network of collaboration with industry and public administration. DCEA coordinates several education programmes under the EIT Climate-KIC, namely the Journey, the Climate Innovation Leadership program and Pioneers in Practice.  

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