PhD in Physics Engineering


PhD in Physics Engineering

Started in 2009/2010. The minimum number of credits to obtain the grade is 240 (4 years).


The competitiveness of the global market created new needs: decrease the time for technology transfer between research and industrial production; foster research and development at company level; seek new business areas in high-tech products with high added value, in order to compensate for the loss of competitiveness of traditional industries; solve new problems of increasing technological complexity. These factors become increasingly important the formation of engineers with these skills and so, since 1980, we are witnessing a growing interest in training in the area of ​​ Physics Engineering in all developed countries including Japan, the United States and Finland. Physics Engineering aims to develop new technologies that require applications belonging to the areas of physics that are not covered by traditional engineering, in particular those of modern physics.

Fulfilling the objectives of the 3rd cycle to ensure training leading to conceptual or instrumental innovation capabilities, critical analysis and evaluation, promotion of technological progress, skills that result from specialization and systematic understanding of a scientific-technological sub-area and the acquisition of skills and research methods , this doctoral program aims at training specialists with great innovation and technological progress capacity to promote following sub-areas of Physics Engineering:

Surface Engineering and Interfaces (thin films, catalysis, interface processes at molecular level, surface spectroscopies)

Studies in Advanced Materials (nano-structures, insulators, broadband semi-conductor metal oxides, magnetic materials and super-conductors, liquid crystals)

  • Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
  • Nuclear Analytical Techniques
  • Optical (lasers, fiber optics, spectroscopy)
  • Cryogenics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Instrumentation

These sub-areas, cover topics corresponding to high importance areas (with big international repercussions), with great technological application.




Career opportunities

Ensuring specialists training with strong innovation capabilities and technological progress in the area of promotion of Physics Engineering, this doctoral program gives career opportunities in university teaching and / or research, as well as top places in technical development companies, particularly in the sub-areas mentioned in the objectives. Among the capabilities provided to candidates, these include critical thinking, conceptual autonomy and entrepreneurship, aiming at the creation of new businesses.


The program consists of a doctoral program with 60 ECTs, and a doctoral thesis with 180 ECTs.

The completion of the doctoral program entitles an Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA).


The course is unique. As the initial preparation, the student may be asked to conduct courses belonging to the 2nd cycle Master in Biomedical Engineering. Students can obtain 12 ECTS by attending and passing courses of the 3rd cycle of any other doctoral program of this University and others with which it a cooperation agreement is established.

The first year of the course corresponds to the Advanced Studies Diploma (60 ECTS).

Study Plan

Tuition fee

Portuguese students:

2 750 Euros/ year 

Foreign students:

2 750 Euros/ year 


1st phase: 14th march to 7th april 2025

2nd phase: 2nd june to 18th july 2027

3rd phase: to be announced

4th phase: to be announced


Entrance requirements for the 2025/2026 academic year

Vacancies for 2025/2026:


Admission rules:

Students with a solid scientific/technological/professional CV may be accepted. This is evaluated by the Scientific Council of the PhD Program.

Necessary documentation for the online application:

  • Application form
  • Qualifications certificate listing the obtained grades;
  • Curriculum Vitae


Candidates selection is responsibility of the Scientific Committee by assessing the documentation submitted: Potentially eligible applicants may be called for an interview.

The Scientific Committee of the PhD program in Engineering Physics may request the submission of additional documents when it is understood to be relevant to the evaluation of the application.

Course coordinator:

Professor Orlando Teodoro

Accreditation and Registration

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 18/11/2022

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2022

DGES - Registration number R/A-Ef 3071/2011/AL01 on 16/05/2018

About the Department of Physics

The Physics Department (DF), formally created in 1986, was a pioneer in Portugal in teaching Physics Engineering. Presently, the DF carries out its teaching activities (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles), fundamental and applied research and technological development in the fields of Physics, Physical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. It is also dedicated to providing services and to scientific dissemination in these fields.

The department's scientific activity is essentially carried out in two research units, LIBPhys-UNL and CEFITEC. Research covers several areas, such as atomic and molecular physics, nuclear and plasma physics, surface and interface physics, laser and vacuum physics, instrumentation, analytical techniques applied to health and cultural heritage, medical instrumentation, medical imaging, machine learning, biosignals and tissue engineering.

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