Started in the academic year 2009/2010. The minimum number of credits to obtain the degree is 240 (4 years).
With great tradition in the United States, but recently established in Europe, Biomedical Engineering is a scientific / technological field that deals with the methodologies and equipment for diagnosis and therapy, as well as for research in healthcare.
The professionals in this area must have scientific and technological bases to innovate and optimize methodologies and equipment, while having acquired knowledge that facilitate their dialogue with doctors.
The importance of this area resides not only in its great social interest, due to its potential to improve the health system, but also in the training aspects of methodology and associated instrumentation, which endows students with conceptual resources that enable them to have an innovative vision on the issues that work.
Fulfilling the objectives of the 3rd cycle to ensure training leading to conceptual or instrumental innovation capabilities, critical analysis and evaluation, promotion of technological progress, skills that result from specialization and systematic understanding of a scientific-technological sub-area and the acquisition of skills and methods of research, this doctoral program aims at training specialists with great capacity for innovation and technological progress to promote following sub-areas of Biomedical Engineering:
Techniques of medical diagnosis using optical characterization
Interaction of radiation with biological matter (dosimetry, effects on biological molecules)
In these sub-areas, covered topics correspond to areas of high importance (with big international repercussions), not only in the scientific point of view but also due to its potential social impact.
While ensuring specialists training with strong innovation capabilities and of promoting technological progress in the area of Biomedical Engineering, this doctoral program brings career opportunities regarding university teaching careers and / or research, the physical hospital career and technical top places in hospitals and clinics and enterprise development, especially in the sub-areas indicated in the objectives. Among the capabilities with which candidates are provided these include critical thinking, conceptual autonomy and entrepreneurship, aiming at the creation of new businesses.
The program consists of a doctoral program with 60 ECTs, and a doctoral thesis with 180 ECTs.
The completion of the doctoral program entitles an Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA).
The course is unique. As initial preparation, the student may be asked to conduct courses of the 2nd cycle of the Master in Biomedical Engineering. Students can obtain 12 ECTS by attending and passing courses belonging to the 3rd cycle of any other doctoral program of this University and others with which it will establish a cooperation agreement. Also included are subjects of the 2nd cycle of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of NOVA.
The first year corresponds to the Advanced Studies Diploma (60 ECTS)
Portuguese students:
2 750 Euros/ year
Foreign students:
2 750 Euros/ year
1st phase: 11th march to 5th april 2024
2nd phase: 3rd to 28th june 2024
3rd phase: 19th August to 6th September 2024
4th phase: 08th to 31st january 2025
Vacancies for 2024/2025:
Admission rules:
To join the PhD program in Biomedical Engineering, the candidate must meet the conditions set by national legislation, in the NOVA’s and NOVA FCT’s regulations, and meet at least one of the following conditions:
A selecção dos candidatos é da responsabilidade da Comissão Científica do doutoramento através da apreciação da documentação apresentada, podendo convocar para uma entrevista os candidatos potencialmente elegíveis.
A Comissão Científica do programa de doutoramento em Engenharia Biomédica poderá solicitar ao candidato a apresentação de documentação suplementar que entenda relevante para a avaliação da candidatura.
Course coordinator:
Professor Hugo Gamboa
The Physics Department (DF), formally created in 1986, was a pioneer in Portugal in teaching Physics Engineering. Presently, the DF carries out its teaching activities (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles), fundamental and applied research and technological development in the fields of Physics, Physical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. It is also dedicated to providing services and to scientific dissemination in these fields.
The department's scientific activity is essentially carried out in two research units, LIBPhys-UNL and CEFITEC. Research covers several areas, such as atomic and molecular physics, nuclear and plasma physics, surface and interface physics, laser and vacuum physics, instrumentation, analytical techniques applied to health and cultural heritage, medical instrumentation, medical imaging, machine learning, biosignals and tissue engineering.