Master's in Biochemistry


Master's in Biochemistry

Studying chemical processes in living organisms and driving innovation in health, biotechnology and the environment

Biochemistry is a fundamental discipline at the interface between biology, chemistry and biotechnology. It is dedicated to the study of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms, with an emphasis on metabolic processes, the structure and function of biomolecules, and cell signalling pathways.

In addition to a wide range of Biochemistry applied to Biomedicine, Biotechnology, the Environment and Biomaterials, this master's degree offers specialised training in Molecular Biophysics, Structural Biology and Analytical Biochemistry.

Therefore, this master's degree strengthens skills in the analysis, characterisation and development of new biochemical technologies and their application in health, the food industry and environmental biotechnology.

The Master's in Biochemistry is a response to the growing need to train qualified human resources, driven by the recent development of companies in the Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences areas, both in Portugal and in Europe.

Why this Master's?

  • Training in emerging areas of modern biochemistry;
  • Multi- and interdisciplinary training, versatile, in tune with the needs of the employer market, in line with a career in scientific research;
  • Strong laboratory component with cutting-edge hands-on experience, applying modern techniques, supported by excellent research;
  • Hard-skills and transferable-skills: in-depth knowledge in all broad areas of biochemistry, oral presentations, group work and entrepreneurship training;
  • Teaching centred on small groups, promoting more personalised learning;
  • Integration into research teams to carry out short-term projects;
  • The scientific dissertation (1 year) can take place in an academic or business environment.

Applications 2025/26

1st Phase: FEB. 3rd to Mar. 22nd

2nd Phase: Jun. 2nd to Jul. 18th

Vacancies: 25

Duration: 2 years (120 ECTS)

Format: Face-to-face / Daytime

Language: Portuguese / English


Course Coordinator: Sofia Pauleta,

Academic divison:

I want to apply:


The Master's programme consists of 1 academic year followed by 1 year for the completion of a thesis. During the 1st academic year, 36 ECTS are taken in compulsory courses in Biochemistry and Biology, and 24 ECTS in optional courses in complementary areas such as Omics, Computational Biology, Biophysical and Biochemical Methods. Two-thirds of these courses have a practical component, and in the remainder courses group work is carried out, papers presented and case studies discussed.


For whom

  • Holders of a bachelor's degree or legal equivalent in Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biology, Health Sciences or related areas;
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organised, in those areas, according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process;
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree, in those areas, which is recognised as satisfying the objectives of the degree by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Science and Technology;
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognised by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Science and Technology as attesting to their ability to complete this cycle of studies.

Career opportunities

  • Research and development (R&D) in biochemistry and related areas;
  • Clinical, biochemical, microbiological, genetic and environmental analysis laboratories;
  • Public health laboratories and medical research institutes;
  • Forensic (Bio)Chemistry Laboratories;
  • Food, agri-food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries;
  • Science management;
  • Regulatory bodies and commissions, quality control;
  • Auditing, scientific and technological innovation consultancy and design companies;
  • Teaching.


Pilar Portela

Pilar Castillo Portela

2023/2024 PhD student 

I have been at NOVA FCT since my Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry. The Master’s in Biochemistry captivated me due to its strong focus on practical classes. The diverse curricular units gave me the opportunity to choose the topics I was most passionate about. I highly recommend the Master’s for its versatility and challenging laboratory component, which provided me with a solid foundation to pursue a PhD in Biotechnology, also at NOVA FCT.

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About the Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry (DQ) is a teaching and research unit of NOVA FCT dedicated to the quality of teaching, the progress of research and the provision of specialised services to the community in the fundamental areas of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

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