Master's in Medical Microbiology


Master's in Medical Microbiology

Understand pathogenic microorganisms to address the global threat of infectious diseases.

The Master's Degree in Medical Microbiology seeks to provide a solid theoretical and practical training, based on the multiple skills and specialties offered by the institutions involved and the synergies established between them: NOVA FCT, NOVA Medical School, the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the António Xavier Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology.

The Master's Degree in Medical Microbiology has the general objective of training specialists, in a global and multidisciplinary perspective, qualified with solid and integrated theoretical and practical training in the area of Microbiology, with skills in the application of the most advanced laboratory diagnostic technologies, microbiological research and quality control and certification of Microbiology laboratories.

The 2025/2026 edition of the master's degree is coordinated by the ITQB NOVA - Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier , Organic Unit of the NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL), so the conditions for access to enrollment are governed by the rules of the IHMT.

Why this Master's?

  • It allows you to acquire a solid training in the scientific area of Medical Microbiology, based on the multiple valences and areas of specialization of the co-organizing institutions and their synergies;
  • It allows to develop skills in a multidisciplinary perspective, adapted to the resolution of specific problems, meeting the training and updating needs of professionals of Life and Health Sciences, but also of health professionals with training and/or updating needs in the areas of clinical and laboratory microbiological diagnosis;
  • It enables research, development and innovation, with particular emphasis on the area of molecular microbiology applied to Medical Microbiology;
  • It prepares for the continuation of academic training, namely, through the completion of a 3rd Cycle of training, leading to the Doctoral Degree.

Applications 2025/26

Vacancies: 24

Duration: 2 years (120 ECTS)

Format: Post-work

Language: Portuguese / English


Course Coordinator: Rita Gonçalves Sobral (NOVA FCT),

Course Coordinator: João Piedade (IHMT),

Academic divison:

I want to apply:


Organization of the academic year 2024/2025: NOVA University of Lisbon – IHMT NOVA, FCT NOVA, FCM|NMS and ITQB NOVA

This master's degree comprises two academic years (120 ECTS). The curricular year (60 ECTS) is divided into two semesters, with the 1st semester comprising the core curricular units, mandatory (see curriculum), ranging from an introduction to microbial genetics and recombinant DNA technologies, to epidemiology and biostatistics, bioethics, laboratory safety and quality assurance in clinical microbiology laboratories, including the core themes of bacteriology,  medical virology and mycology, as well as immunity and infection and prevention and therapeutics of infectious diseases.

The 2nd semester of the curricular year is very flexible, allowing the selection of a total of five optional curricular units (from a universe of 15 possibilities, offered by the four organizing institutions), enabling the construction of a curricular path adapted to the specific needs of each master's student.


For whom

  • Graduates or holders of legally equivalent qualifications in Life and Health Sciences (Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biology, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Clinical Analysis, and other related areas) to be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the course.

Career opportunities

Develop R&D activities in:

  • Medical and hospital centers, clinical and veterinary laboratories, public health, research laboratories in the areas of Microbiology;
  • Access to doctoral programs.


Margarida Freitas

Margarida Freitas

Aluna 2023/2025

"Eu fiz a minha licenciatura em Biologia Celular e Molecular na NOVA FCT, logo, não hesitei em continuar na Faculdade. As aulas do mestrado decorrem entre 4 unidades orgânicas da Universidade NOVA, o que proporciona um contacto com professores e alunos das várias instituições envolvidas, com diferentes especializações, o que me ajudou a interagir com equipas que trabalham tanto no âmbito da epidemiologia, do diagnóstico ou da investigação. Para efeitos da minha futura carreira, creio que é um aspeto muito relevante que nos ajuda a tomar a decisão quanto ao caminho a seguir. É, sem dúvida, uma das razões pelas quais recomendo este mestrado!" 

Anterior Próximo


Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT), Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology (ITQB), NOVA Medical School (NMS).

About the Department of Life Sciences

The Department of Life Sciences (DCV) focuses its activity on teaching and research in areas of fundamental Biology relevant for application in areas of Biotechnology and Biomedicine.

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