Master in Geological Engineering


Master in Geological Engineering

MEG aims to train specialists able to apply engineering solutions, at surface or underground interventions, involving rock mass, soils, groundwater, georesources, and waste, contributing to the development of a sustainable society and adaptation to the climate change.

It joins professors with a wide expertise, not only in the areas of the master's degree - Geotechnics, Georesources, and Geoenvironment but also in related areas - Geology, Civil Engineering, and Occupational Safety; it offers applied teaching and facilitates contact with expert professionals through field visits, internships or seminars. The masters students' training includes also the enhancement of their teamwork skills and frequent presentations of works.


MEG’s curricula aim at the identification and responsible exploitation of georesources, the construction of infrastructures and structures resilient to the underway changes on the planet, the valorization and recycling of waste, as well as the analysis and rehabilitation of contaminated soils.

A set of comprehensive units is offered in matching areas with Geological Engineering - Geotechnics, Georesources and Geoenvironment. Teaching is supported by hands-on theoretical-practical classes, with a strong laboratory component, seminars, and field trips, providing students with the knowledge and tools necessary to solve environmental problems arising from human activity, in a context of sustainability, quality and safety.

The Master’s degree students will have the ability to apply, by themselves or in multidisciplinary teams, advanced knowledge of science and technology in professional practice or research in Geological Engineering. Furthermore, it will enable students to coordinate and develop projects, identify, innovate and develop the most appropriate solutions to the engineering problems under analysis, according to the best technical requirements and considering the associated environmental and socio-economic impacts.

Course structure and duration

Two-year course and 120 ECTS, divided into 4 semesters, the last of which is occupied only by the preparation of the master's dissertation.


Career opportunities

NOVA FCT Geological Engineers work as managers or technical experts in teams from companies and institutions, in particular:

  1. Consultancy and design of geotechnical works;
  2. Consultancy and rehabilitation projects for contaminated industrial areas;
  3. Consulting and management projects and planning of georesources, including the inherent digital modeling;
  4. Technical monitoring of civil construction works or environmental rehabilitation projects;
  5. Management of geological, geotechnical, or geoenvironmental risks;
  6. Responsible for geophysical, mechanical exploration plans, field tests, and sampling (in the scope of geotechnical, geochemical, or geoenvironmental studies);
  7. Responsible for quality or safety on site;
  8. Management of geotechnical infrastructure assets;
  9. Research.

Tuition Fees

Portuguese students: 1500 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year





1st phase: 12th february to 22nd march 2024

2nd phase: 3rd June to 17th july 2024

Acceptance rate in masters

Accepted applicants will have to pay (within a maximum of 7 consecutive days from the date of placement) a non-refundable rate of 100 euros, which will be deducted, after registration, from the total tuition fee. Any payment made after the deadline will not be refunded, leaving the candidate excluded.


International Applications

Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:


Admission rules:

  1. Holders of the Bachelor's degree (pre-Bologna or 1st post-Bologna cycle) Geological Engineering, Geological and Mine Engineering, Earth Resources Engineering, Geoengineering, Geoenvironmental Engineering, Mine Engineering, Civil Engineering, Geology, Geophysics and Earth Sciences and Atmospheric, or equivalent, with a minimum of 180 ECTS;
  2. Holders of a foreign academic degree with the designations referred in previous paragraph, recognized as meeting the objectives of referred degrees. It requires the approval of the FCT NOVA Scientific Council, after recognition from the Scientific Committee of Geological Engineering: 
  3. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting the capacity to accomplish referred cycle of studies by the Course Scientific Council.


  • Course classification;
  • Academic and scientific curriculum;
  • Professional curriculum;
  • Possible interview.

Course coordinator:

Professor José António de Almeida

Registration and Accreditation

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr 63/2014/AL01 on 07/07/2022

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 21/10/2020

Period of validity of the accreditation: 2 years from 31/07/2020

About the Department of Earth Sciences

The Department of Earth Sciences (DCT) of the NOVA School of Science and Technology, whose regulation was reviewed in 2011 (DR 99, 2nd series of 23 May 2011), is a graduate and post-graduate teaching and research unit in the fields of Science and Geological Engineering and in those related or interdisciplinary fields. It promotes scientific and technological development, service delivery, university extension activities, and the development of dissemination activities.

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