Master's in Computer Science and Engineering


Master's in Computer Science and Engineering

The Master’s in Computer Science and Engineering is a two-year 2nd cycle of studies aimed at training Engineers qualified to intervene in the areas of Computer Science and Information Technologies, compatible with the Bologna principles. NOVA School of Science and Technology is a pioneer in teaching Computer Science and Engineering in Portugal, combining excellence in teaching and research accumulated over almost 50 years of experience.

The Master in Computer Science and Engineering at NOVA School of Science and Technology  trains Computer Engineers with a solid preparation to participate in the construction of the information systems and technologies of the future. Computer Science and Engineering is vital for modern society.

The skills of the Computer Science Engineer are essential to all companies and organizations involved in the development of services, systems and products, in particular to those operating in the area of Information Technologies. Using the acquired advanced skills in distributed systems, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, digital media, software engineering, security, among others, our Engineers carry out innovation activities in areas as diverse as Digital Transformation, Digital Agriculture, Public Health and Personalized Medicine, Communications Systems, Cyber-security and Privacy.

The faculty has extensive experience and innovation skills, articulating teaching with research at the NOVA LINCS Research Centre of Excellence.


The courses take place in English whenever there are students who do not speak Portuguese.


The Master’s in Computer Science and Engineering aims at educating Computer Science Engineers highly qualified to develop, design, lead and perform innovation activities. The flexible course structure of NOVA School of Science and Technology allows to combine courses according to students' interests, guaranteeing a solid advanced training, complemented by specialization in one or more areas.

We offer a modern vision of the training of a Computer Science Engineer recognized by the market. Our teaching encourages the ability to design and implement innovative and high-quality solutions, as well as autonomy and adaptability to new challenges.

The programme concludes with a Master's Dissertation, composed of individual research and/or development work, which can be developed within an academic context or within an academic-business collaboration with a strong component of technology transfer. Over the last twenty years, the Department of Computer Science of NOVA School of Science and Technology qualified around two thousand graduates and masters in Computer Science and Engineering.



Who can apply


The programme is offered to holders of Degree courses (1st cycle) in the area of Computer Science and Engineering or similar, providing the degree of Master in Computer Science and Engineering.


Plano curricular

Saídas profissionais

With full employability, IT Engineers at NOVA School of Science and Technology hold leadership positions in leading companies in the areas of Information and Communication Technologies, developing careers with recognized international projection and creating innovative companies that operate in the global market. Our alumni work in the development of services and products in such diverse areas, such as the Internet, Environment, Arts, Banking and Insurance, Entertainment, Energy, Medicine, Telecommunications and Transport.


Tuition Fees

Portuguese students: 1250 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year

Horário de funcionamento

Day time


1st phase: 12th february to 22nd march 2024

2nd phase: 3rd June to 17th july 2024


Acceptance rate in masters

Accepted applicants will have to pay (within a maximum of 7 consecutive days from the date of placement) a non-refundable rate of 100 euros, which will be deducted, after registration, from the total tuition fee. Any payment made after the deadline will not be refunded, leaving the candidate excluded.


Candidaturas Internacionais

Condições de acesso para o ano letivo de 2024/2025

Vagas para 2024/2025:


Regras de acesso:

The following can apply:

1. Holders of a 1st degree (licenciado or legal equivalent) in Computer Science or related areas, subject to curricular appreciation of the candidate;

2. Holders of a foreign higher academic degree conferred after an organized 1st cycle of studies in Computer Science or related areas, in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process;

3. Holders of a foreign higher academic degree in Computer Science or related areas, that is recognized as meeting the objectives of the degree of licenciado by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology;

4. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by the Scientific Committee of the programme, as testifying the ability to carry out this programme.

Critérios de seriação:

  • Area of degree and final classification;
  • Academic and scientific curriculum;
  • Professional curriculum;
  • Possible interview

Coordenador do curso:

Professor Nuno Preguiça

Registo e Acreditação

DGES - Registo n.º R/A-Cr26/2021 em 28/01/2021

A3ES - Data de publicação da decisão de acreditação: 22/01/2021

Validade da acreditação: 6 anos contados a partir de 31/07/2020

Sobre o Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science is a pioneer institution in advanced education and research in Computer Science in Portugal, and has already graduated thousands of informatics engineers and computer scientists. We currently host around 1200 students enrolled in various programs and courses.

Several of our academic staff are associated to the development of computer science and IT in Portugal, for instance, in the first national connection to the Internet in the 80s, in the graduation of the first PhD degrees, and in the development and consolidation of research and innovation in informatics and computer science.

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