Master in Precision Agriculture Technologies


Master in Precision Agriculture Technologies

NOVA University of Lisbon, through the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT NOVA) and the Évora University, confers the Master's degree in Precision Agriculture Technologies.

The Master degree in Precision Agriculture Technologies starts in the academic year 2018/2019.  The first semester will operate at the FCT / UNL facilities and the second semester at the Évora University.

Candidates holding a Pre-Bologna degree or a 2-cycle degree, in any area of natural sciences, agronomy, agro-food technologies or related area, or equivalent, may request crediting for the respective course units.


1). Fill the postgraduate training gap in this area of knowledge at national level;

2). Provide students with skills and competences in a globally expanding economic and knowledge, as it is usually associated with efficient and environmentally sustainable processes, usually providing high rates of agricultural profitability; and

3). To facilitate the incorporation of new technologies in national productive processes associated to agriculture.

Plano curricular

Saídas profissionais

Masters in Precision Agriculture Technologies will be able to Consultancy in Precision Agriculture in a broader scope; within a narrower scope, may, from the professional point of view: i) develop geoelectric surveys in companies that study the spatial variability of the soil, as well as the intelligent study of the spatial variability of its nutrients; ii) to develop variable-use maps (VRT) of nutrients and other inputs, in particular fertilizers and seeds; iii) operate different types of GNSS, be it for georeferencing of plots, or for soil sampling, plants and others; iv) operate different agricultural machinery and equipment, namely in the differentiated management of factors of production; v) to develop works at the level of the remote sensors namely in the processing of satellite images with agronomic applications;  vi) to develop work at the level of nearby sensors, namely in monitoring the management parameters (quantity and quality) of the crops; vii) developing work on the processing of large volumes of data, using appropriate programming languages; viii) install, IoT sensors, as well as manage the acquisition of large volumes of information; ix) to work with techniques of artificial intelligence and handling of large volumes of data; x) to develop economic studies in the implementation of new technologies; xi) to develop applied research in the field of Precision Agriculture.

Tuition Fees

Portuguese students: 2000 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year

Horário de funcionamento

Daytime/ After office hours


1st phase: 12th february to 22nd march 2024

2nd phase: 3rd June to 17th july 2024

Acceptance rate in masters

Accepted applicants will have to pay (within a maximum of 7 consecutive days from the date of placement) a non-refundable rate of 100 euros, which will be deducted, after registration, from the total tuition fee. Any payment made after the deadline will not be refunded, leaving the candidate excluded.


Candidaturas Internacionais

Condições de acesso para o ano letivo de 2024/2025

Vagas para 2024/2025:


Regras de acesso:

For the cycle of studies leading to the Master degree in Precision Agriculture Technologies can apply:

  1. Holders of a Bachelor's degree (pre-Bologna or 1st Bologna Cycle) in any area of Natural Sciences, agronomy, agro-food technologies, or related areas, with a minimum of 180 ECTS;
  2. Holders of a foreign academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies according to the Bologna Process by an adhering State in the scientific areas referred in the previous point (1);
  3. Holders of a foreign higher academic degree in the scientific areas referred in the point 1, recognized as meeting the objectives by the Scientific Councils of the FCT NOVA or ECT-Uev;
  4. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum in the scientific areas referred in point 1, recognized as attesting the capacity to accomplish this cycle of studies by the Legal Body of the Coordinating Institution, as proposed by the Scientific Committee of the Master in Precision Agriculture Technologies.

Critérios de seriação:

Selection criteria and ranking are advertised in advance and including the following:

  1. Course classification;
  2. Academic and scientific curriculum;
  3. Professional curriculum;
  4. Possible interview.

Coordenador do curso:

FCT/UNL – Professor Maria Manuela Simões Ribeiro

Évora University – Professor José Rafael Marques da Silva

Registo e Acreditação

DGES - Registo n.º R/A-Cr 39/2018 em 21/06/2018

Acreditação Prior em 09/03/2018, por 6 anos

Sobre o Department of Earth Sciences

The Department of Earth Sciences (DCT) of the NOVA School of Science and Technology, whose regulation was reviewed in 2011 (DR 99, 2nd series of 23 May 2011), is a graduate and post-graduate teaching and research unit in the fields of Science and Geological Engineering and in those related or interdisciplinary fields. It promotes scientific and technological development, service delivery, university extension activities, and the development of dissemination activities.

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