Master in Mathematics and Applications


Master in Mathematics and Applications


International Applications

Final-year students who expect to complete their degree program in the current academic year can apply in the first round of applications, which runs until March 24th.


The MSc in Mathematics and Applications at FCT NOVA combines scientific research with a broad range of topics in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. It provides a solid scientific knowledge with a high level of interdisciplinarity, training professionals with the latest mathematical techniques for problem solving.

This MSc program offers three specialization profiles: Data and Decision Sciences (DDS), Computational Financial Mathematics (CFM),  and Pure Mathematics (PM).

The profile of DDS forms mathematicians capable of understanding, framing, modeling and solving real problems of companies and organizations in the world. The interdisciplinarity as well as the intensive use of data will provide students with fundamental skills for decision-making, a constant challenge in any company.

The CFM profile provides a systematic knowledge of mathematical models and fundamental quantitative methods in the current financial industry.
In these two profiles, mathematical models and techniques are implemented using intensive computer use, either through algorithm development using languages as Python, R, Mathlab, or high-level modelling languages as GAMS or AMPL.

The PM profile provides a solid scientific background in mathematics, allowing specialization in areas such as algebra, analysis, algebraic geometry, differential equations, mathematical logic, among others.

Dissertations are possible in both, business environment or within a research group.

Plano curricular

Saídas profissionais

The versatility of training in mathematics allows access to any company in the

  • Industrial Sector,
  • Public Services and Service Companies,
  • Transport and Communications,
  • Banks and Insurance,
  • Consultants and Rating Companies,
  • Health and Social Security,
  • Public Administration and
  • Research Laboratories.

It also provides access to Research and Academic Career at Higher Education institutions, like universities.

Additional Information

If applying to “Data and Decision Sciences profile” please chose option “Master in Mathematics and Applications, Actuarial Science, Statistics and Operations Research”.




Tuition Fees

Portuguese students: 2000 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year


Horário de funcionamento



1st phase: 12th february to 22nd march 2024

2nd phase: 3rd June to 17th july 2024

Acceptance rate in masters

Accepted applicants will have to pay (within a maximum of 7 consecutive days from the date of placement) a non-refundable rate of 300 euros, which will be deducted, after registration, from the total tuition fee. Any payment made after the deadline will not be refunded, leaving the candidate excluded.

Condições de acesso para o ano letivo de 2024/2025

Vagas para 2024/2025:


Regras de acesso:

The eligibility criteria for the Master in Mathematics and Applications are:

  1. To have a bachelor degree or a formal equivalent in the areas of Exact Science, Engineering, Finance, Management or Economics with background in Mathematics.
  2. To have a foreign bachelor degree, in the areas mentioned above, according to the principles of the Bologna Process and from a state where this Process was adopted.
  3. To have a foreign university level degree, in the areas mentioned above, with the level of a Bachelor degree recognized by the Scientific Council of FCT NOVA.
  4. To have an academic, scientific or professional profile, recognized by the FCT NOVA as appropriate for the Master programme.

Critérios de seriação:

Candidates fulfilling the academic and curricular requirements, given in the previous items, will be selected and ranked based on the following criteria

  1. Bachelor grade
  2. Academic and scientific curriculum
  3. Professional curriculum
  4. Possible interview

Coordenadora do curso:

Professor Marta Faias Mateus

Registo e Acreditação

DGES - Registo n.º R/A-Ef 3113/2011/AL02 em 07/07/2022

A3ES - Data de publicação da decisão de acreditação: 14/03/2022

Validade da acreditação: 6 anos contados a partir de 31/07/2020

About the Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics (DM) is a permanent teaching and research unit of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT NOVA). In the DM, multiple activities in the field of Mathematics are developed, ranging from teaching and research to promotion and dissemination, through lifelong training and the provision of services to the community. The DM consists of 83 professors, of whom 79 have doctorates.

The DM is in charge of the Degree in Mathematics, the Degree in Mathematics Applied to Risk Management, the Master in Actuarial Mathematics, the Master in Mathematics and Applications, the Master in Mathematics Teaching for the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education, as well of the PhD in Mathematics at NOVA University. The DM also ensures the teaching of propaedeutic subjects in the field of Mathematics for the various courses at FCT NOVA.