Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology


Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology

Mission and Structure

CIUHCT aims at unveiling the importance of the history of science, technology and medicine in the construction of European citizenship and identity, particularly by focusing on Portuguese case-studies and by bringing them to the international scene

Thematic Lines

  • Experts, Institutions and Globalization – EIG – addresses the role of experts and institutions in contemporary world, through an historical narrative that focus on the co-production of techno-scientific knowledge, its forms of circulation/appropriation and its interaction with political agendas.
  • Instruments and Practices, Visual and Material Cultures – IPVMC – addresses how scientific and technical practices interact with material culture, by looking at a set of objects, institutions and sites of knowledge. Special attention is given to the effects of geographical and geo-political contingency.
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Isabel Maria da Silva Pereira Amaral


24 Integrated Members (11 at NOVA FCT), 12 PhD Students (6 at NOVA FCT)

Instituições Parceiras

NOVA FCT, Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL)



Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology
Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica


Telefone:+351 212 948 503

Fax: +351 212 948 326