


To help all the "Carolinas" and all the "Simões", the FCT NOVA will host a blood collection session organized by a team from the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation, IP.


The Health Care Cluster of the European Commission is the European body to represent the reference research and innovation projects and initiatives in Digital Health in Europe.


The student was one of the 105 scholarship holders of the INPhINIT programme of the "la Caixa" Foundation, which aims to support the most outstanding scientific talents and promote innovative and high quality research in Spain and Portugal.


The national call for PhD studentships of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, IP) 2023,  there is a dedicated line for research scholarships whose work plans take place fully or partially in non-academic entities.


The conference promoted by IARIA, "International Academy, Research, and Industry Association", brought together academia and industry in a meeting that addressed technology in health.


The certification reflects the fulfilment of a set of requirements in the modification and qualification of NOVA's food offer, which reinforces the university's commitment to the health and well-being of its community, integrated in a path of sustainability and social and territorial cohesion.


These names join another 15 researchers who have already been highlighted in previous editions of this initiative, which aims to celebrate Portuguese women scientists, whose remarkable work has been fundamental for the progress that national Science and Technology have registered in the last decades.


During three days, the event gathers a broad range of companies, start-ups and entities that stand out for technological innovation and entrepreneurship.

António Grilo é o novo presidente da ANI - Agência Nacional de Inovação

The decision was made during the General Assembly on March 7th by the two shareholders of ANI, namely, IAPMEI (Ministry of Economy) and the Foundation for Science and Technology (Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education).


This award aims to recognise the outstanding contribution of the professor to the teaching of Industrial Engineering and her exceptional service in this field, as well as in the field of Operations Management, as a researcher.


A visita foi realizada no âmbito do projeto Embaixadores, uma iniciativa que a FCT NOVA dinamiza deste 2015 e que visa reforçar sinergias com as escolas secundárias. 


"Smart IoT electronic paper for interactive security application" was the winning presentation.
