


The event, organised by the Afonsina music grouptuna, took place at Centro Cultural Vila Flor, in Guimarães, between 17 and 18 March.


Since 1993, NTNU has honoured this historic figure in science and engineering with the Lars Onsager Lecture and the Lars Onsager Professorship, which recognise leading international scholars in the fields of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.


In the lastest call for proposals for doctoral networks from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 2022 (MSCA), NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA won three doctoral networks aimed at training highly qualified PhD students, developing their talents and enhancing  their long-term employability.


Throughout the year 2023, DQ FCT NOVA will host 1350 students in these visits, promoted within the framework of the protocols that the DQ has made over the years with the neighbouring secondary schools, carrying out experimental work related to the curricula of the different years of Chemistry.


On March 17th was celebrated at NOVA School of Science and Technology, a contract signing session, the third since the beginning of February, which included for the first time the contracting of researchers. In all, 14 contracts were signed with full professor, associate professors, assistant professors and assistant researchers.


Between March 23 and 24, a broad range of speakers will give voice to several topics related to the Ocean.


To help all the "Carolinas" and all the "Simões", the FCT NOVA will host a blood collection session organized by a team from the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation, IP.


The Health Care Cluster of the European Commission is the European body to represent the reference research and innovation projects and initiatives in Digital Health in Europe.


The student was one of the 105 scholarship holders of the INPhINIT programme of the "la Caixa" Foundation, which aims to support the most outstanding scientific talents and promote innovative and high quality research in Spain and Portugal.


The national call for PhD studentships of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, IP) 2023,  there is a dedicated line for research scholarships whose work plans take place fully or partially in non-academic entities.


The conference promoted by IARIA, "International Academy, Research, and Industry Association", brought together academia and industry in a meeting that addressed technology in health.


The certification reflects the fulfilment of a set of requirements in the modification and qualification of NOVA's food offer, which reinforces the university's commitment to the health and well-being of its community, integrated in a path of sustainability and social and territorial cohesion.
