Master in Industrial Engineering and Management


Master in Industrial Engineering and Management

The Master in Industrial Engineering and Management (MEGI) aims to train professionals with the cross-sectional profile that characterizes training in this area of Engineering. Accordingly, it addresses topics ranging from Production Management to Quality Engineering or Ergonomics, covering, among others, domains such as Industrial Logistics, Engineering Economy, or Computer Assisted Production. This cross-sectional training is highly adjusted to the needs of current organizations, which converts into excellent levels of employability.

The MEGI corresponds to the second cycle of the previous Integrated Master in Industrial Engineering and Management (MIEGI) and takes four semesters, three of them with different curricular units, including a wide range of options, and the last focused on the thesis' development.


The cross-sectional profile of Industrial Engineering implies that professionals in this area are searched for by very diverse organizations, from telecommunications companies to the automotive industry or consultancy companies. Therefore, the objective of MEGI is to train professionals with multidisciplinary skills that allow them to:

  • To work in different sectors of activity, from the traditional industry to the financial sector
  • To combine technical engineering skills with a business vision and knowledge of the market in which they operate
  • To have a clear understanding of big data and its implications, notably the challenges of Industry 4.0
  • To be very focused on processes, from design to implementation and control
  • To select and propose solutions that are technically and economically competitive
  • To have an entrepreneurial spirit, being able to identify ideas and opportunities, understanding the challenges of new projects
  • To design, coordinate, and execute business and/or R&D projects

Academic staff

The Master in Industrial Engineering and Management has the same academic staff as the Integrated Master in Engineering and Industrial Management, characterized by a solid experience, accumulated over more than a decade of teaching experience.

The aforementioned experience comes along with scientific profiles, as most of the professors are also researchers at the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Research and Development Unit, a research centre with a top evaluation ("Excellent") that is associated with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (UNIDEMI, .

External Links

Erasmus+ - Under this EU programme, students can study at a European university for up to 12 months, as part of the undergraduate programme. Studying abroad can have a positive effect on later job prospects, and is an opportunity to improve language skills, gain self-confidence, and having contact with different cultures.

Companies - The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering maintains an excellent relationship with companies and other employers, enabling the students' participation in internships and research projects, and leading to master's dissertations that quite often culminate in the integration of students in the host companies.

Target students

The MEGI is aimed at candidates with an initial degree (Licenciatura) in the fields of Industrial Engineering and Management or closely related, who seek to deepen their knowledge in the scientific area of Industrial Engineering or diversify the skills acquired in a first university education cycle.
Therefore, MEGI is aimed at students who seek to combine technical engineering skills with a business vision and knowledge of the markets in which they operate.


Career opportunities

The cross-sectional training in Industrial Engineering and Management leads to the diversification of the professional opportunities associated with it. The activities carried out may be either of a more technical profile or more management related, in different sectors of activity:

  • Automotive and component's industry; chemistry; food industry; metalworking and electromechanical, among others
  • Engineering consultancy companies, industrial management, and information systems
  • Transport services sector; financial; hospitals and health facilities; Airlines; logistics and distribution; project management; retailers; certification bodies
  • Teaching or research activity
  • Activity in the public sector

Tuition Fees

Portuguese students: 1250 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year


Day time 8:00 to 20:00


1st phase: 12th February to 22nd March 2024

2nd phase: 3rd June to 17th July 2024

3rd phase: 20th Aug to 6th Sept 2024

Acceptance rate in masters

Accepted applicants will have to pay (within a maximum of 7 consecutive days from the date of placement) a non-refundable rate of 100 euros, which will be deducted, after registration, from the total tuition fee. Any payment made after the deadline will not be refunded, leaving the candidate excluded.


International Applications

Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:


Admission rules:

  • Holders of a bachelor's degree or legal equivalent degrees in the areas of Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering Sciences and Industrial Management and the like.
  • Holders of a bachelor's degree or legal equivalent degrees in the areas of Engineering or Engineering sciences in general, who admission is subject to curricular appreciation and interview in order to allow the assessment of the candidate's motivation and skills.
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree conferred by an acceding State in the scope of a 1st cycle of organized studies, in those areas, according to the principles of the Bologna Process.
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree, in those areas, which the FCT Scientific Council recognizes as meeting the objectives of the bachelor's degree.
  • Holders of a school, scientific or professional curriculum, which the FCT Scientific Council recognizes as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies.


  • Course classification;
  • Academic and scientific curriculum;
  • Professional resume;
  • Possible interview.

Course coordinator:

Professor Ana Sofia Matos

Accreditation and Registration

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 22/01/2021

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2020

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr29/2021 on 03/02/2021

About the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (DEMI) is a permanent organic unit of Nova School of Science and Technology, dedicated to teaching, to fundamental and applied scientific research and to the provision of services in the fields of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

DEMI counts, currently, with 5 employees and 44 teachers who are committed to offering the best teaching experience and the best knowledge to their students, helping them develop their skills and achieve their personal and professional goals.

DEMI teachers also collaborate, at different levels, with diverse public and private institutions, particularly in the development of research projects in scientific and technological areas of relevance to Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, which aim to respond to the needs of the society.

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