Master in Industrial and Scientific Heritage


Master in Industrial and Scientific Heritage


The aim of this Master program is to provide students with integrated skills in the areas of the social sciences and humanities, the conservation and restoration sciences and physical engineering, which will enable them to understand and act on industrial and scientific heritage. The program draws on and integrates multiple skills from the Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Department of Conservation and Restoration and the Department of Physics, by bringing together unique synergies that will enable students to benefit from an innovative curriculum and the possibility of preparing dissertations within an interdisciplinary perspective.

This programme aims to provide students with consistent and up-to-date knowledge about industrial and scientific heritage, as well as to develop technical and scientific skills adjusted to the academic and professional context. Based on an interdisciplinary perspective and by combining knowledge from different fields, at the end students should be able to:

  • Contribute to the theoretical framework and intervention in industrial heritage, in technological and scientific culture, in identity and memory, in museology, in conservation and restoration;
  • Develop critical analytical skills in the areas of museology and scientific and technological heritage and its relationship with the historical context and contemporary society;
  • Acquire scientific research skills and knowledge application in the fields of preservation and management of industrial and scientific heritage;
  • Solve complex problems by making use of an interdisciplinary theoretical-experimental framework.


Career opportunities

In terms of the professional opportunities, the Master’s degree in Industrial and Scientific Heritage opens up the possibility to manage heritage through the preservation of material and immaterial culture, which requires a dialogue with the various stakeholders, from the State and local authorities to producers and consumers of culture, private institutions, museums, foundations and associations. This training will enable graduates to develop fundamental heritage management skills in central and local governmental bodies, in curatorship in arts, science, technology and industrial heritage, in conservation and restoration of industrial and scientific heritage, in communication and industrial tourism, in research and scientific, cultural, industrial and heritage policymaking.


Day time

Tuition fee

Portuguese students and from European Union countries: 1250 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year


1st phase: 12th february to 22nd march 2024

2nd phase: 3rd June to 17th july 2024

Acceptance rate in masters

Accepted applicants will have to pay (within a maximum of 7 consecutive days from the date of placement) a non-refundable rate of 100 euros, which will be deducted, after registration, from the total tuition fee. Any payment made after the deadline will not be refunded, leaving the candidate excluded.


International Applications

Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:


Admission rules:

  1. Holders of a first cycle degree or legal equivalent. b. Holders of a foreign first cycle degree organized in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State that adopted it; c. Holders of foreign academic degrees considered as fulfilling the objectives of the first cycle degree by the Scientific Council of the NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA.; d. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that attests to the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council of the NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA.

Course coordinator:

Professor Paula Urze

Registration and Accreditation

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr 93/2022 on 05/08/2022

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 03/06/2022

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2022

About the Department of Applied Social Sciences

The Applied Social Sciences Department (DCSA) guarantees, at the NOVA School of Science and Technology, the teaching and the research in areas outside the basic sciences and engineering, giving thus our students a structured training in the field of applied social sciences, what passes by having competency in the fields of expression and communication, the relationship between science / technology / society (history, philosophy and contemporary thought) ethics, work organization and economy, management and entrepreneurship.

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About the Department of Conservation and Restoration

The Department of Conservation and Restoration of NOVA School of Science and Technology has the mission of teaching and research in the area of Heritage, promoting its knowledge, conservation and enjoyment.

The teaching staff with interdisciplinary skills and the properly equipped laboratories contribute to the creation of learning and research environments in the different areas of knowledge linked to conservation, considered in its relationship between theory and practice. 

The established network of national and international collaborations and partnerships enables the development of stimulating projects, with recognized merit and also the creation of unique opportunities for internships and professional outings.

DCR believes that sharing the enthusiasm for heritage conservation among teachers and students is its main commitment.

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About the Department of Physics

The Physics Department (DF), formally created in 1986, was a pioneer in Portugal in teaching Physics Engineering. Presently, the DF carries out its teaching activities (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles), fundamental and applied research and technological development in the fields of Physics, Physical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. It is also dedicated to providing services and to scientific dissemination in these fields.

The department's scientific activity is essentially carried out in two research units, LIBPhys-UNL and CEFITEC. Research covers several areas, such as atomic and molecular physics, nuclear and plasma physics, surface and interface physics, laser and vacuum physics, instrumentation, analytical techniques applied to health and cultural heritage, medical instrumentation, medical imaging, machine learning, biosignals and tissue engineering.

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