Master in Building Rehabilitation


Master in Building Rehabilitation

The Master Program in Building Rehabilitation aims to prepare and award the Master's degree to professionals in the fields of architecture and civil engineering (or similar) to work in the area of building rehabilitation, which continues to be crucial in Portugal and in the world. On the other hand, it intends to contribute to the lifelong training of graduates in these areas.

The Master Program is structured with a common core and several optional curricular units, complementary but adequate to the previous basic training, namely in civil engineering, other engineering, architecture or conservation, including environmental aspects. The development of works involving groups of students with different backgrounds is encouraged, to favour multidisciplinary approaches.

There are protocols and possibilities for collaboration with different institutions, such as LNEC, associations as Centro da Terra, design, inspection, construction and conservation companies, companies producing construction materials, such as Secil or Sival, namely for the development of Master's dissertations in partnership and for professional internships. Master's dissertations can also be included in ongoing research projects and in the framework of RILEM and ICOMOS technical committees.

There are Erasmus protocols in place with several foreign universities that allow students to undertake part of the study cycle in those universities.

The success of the courses offered by NOVA School of Science and Technology is attested by the high attractiveness they have had, by the general satisfaction of graduates with the skills acquired and by the satisfaction expressed by employers with the skills and attitude of graduates.

The Master Program was approved by A3ES in 2021 for a period of 6 years.


The holder of a Master in Building Rehabilitation is expected to have European-level skills to: investigate, diagnose, design, conceive, manage, plan, license, rehabilitate and repair buildings. In addition, he/she should be able to exercise the profession with the ability to understand the economic, industrial, commercial, social and professional environment in which the works are carried out, especially those of rehabilitation, as well as having skills for teamwork, leadership, management of human resources and entrepreneurship.

The Program graduates will acquire knowledge and develop competences necessary to:

  • understand the needs of professional and research activities in the area of rehabilitation;
  • analyse and solve multidisciplinary problems in rehabilitation;
  • design sustainable solutions in accordance to appropriate ethical, social and deontological principles;
  • support the analysis, synthesis and design of projects associated with conservation and rehabilitation;
  • optimize interventions from a technical, economic and environmental point of view;
  • form a critical, scientific and innovative spirit;
  • communicate objectively and competently, either orally or in writing.


Career opportunities

  • Consulting and design
  • Industries for construction materials and products development
  • Trading and service companies, eg. banking, insurance, tourism, transport, trade
  • Central, regional and local administration
  • Teaching and research in areas related to the rehabilitation of buildings.


Structure and schedule

Daytime classes, during 2 semesters (60 ECTS): complements of basic sciences that provide the necessary skills for the pursuit of academic specialization and a strong component of advanced training in Building Rehabilitation.

3rd semester to carry out a dissertation of a scientific nature (30 ECTS) with supervision by a professor.


1st phase: 12th february to 22nd march 2024

2nd phase: 3rd June to 17th july 2024

Acceptance rate in masters

Accepted applicants will have to pay (within a maximum of 7 consecutive days from the date of placement) a non-refundable rate of 100 euros, which will be deducted, after registration, from the total tuition fee. Any payment made after the deadline will not be refunded, leaving the candidate excluded.


International Applications

Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:


Admission rules:

a) Holders of a degree or equivalent in Architecture, Engineering, namely Civil Engineering, or similar scientific areas;
b) Holders of a foreign academic degree in required areas conferred following the 1st cycle of studies according to the Bologna Process, in the referred areas;
c) Holders of a foreign academic degree in the required areas recognized as meeting the objectives of the Bachelor´s degree by the Scientific Council of the NOVA School of Science and Technology;
d) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting the capacity to accomplish the Master Program by the Scientific Council of the Civil Engineering Department of NOVA.


- Previous Diploma classification;

- Academic and scientific curriculum;

- Professional curriculum;

- Possible interview.

Course coordinator:

Professor Luís Baltazar

Registration and Accreditation

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr 235/2021 on 15/07/2021

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 15/09/2021

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2021

About the Department of Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering (DEC) was established in 1996. Today it offers a bachelor’s in civil engineering (3 years), four 2nd cycle Master Programs in Civil Engineering and in Structures and Geotechnics (2 years), Building Rehabilitation (1.5 years) and Facade Technology (1 year), and a PhD program in Civil Engineering (3 years). In parallel DEC has developed specific “lifelong learning” and graduate courses in the field of Sustainable Construction and Rehabilitation, and Rehabilitation of Railway Infrastructures.

DEC develops scientific and technological research activities with national and international partnerships, participating in R&D projects in several areas, such as Structural Concrete and Masonry; Structures Retrofitting; Structures under Extreme Events; Numerical Simulation of Structures; Ecoefficiency of Construction Materials; Energy, Comfort and IAQ Performance of Buildings; Building Pathology and Rehabilitation; Geotechnics; Road Pavements; Spatial and Urban Planning.

There are currently more than 300 students enrolled in Civil Engineering at NOVA and the DEC’s faculty totals 35 teachers, 32 of whom with PhDs.

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