GeoBioSciences, GeoTechnologies and GeoEngineering


GeoBioSciences, GeoTechnologies and GeoEngineering

Mission and Structure

GeoBioTec pursues interdisciplinary studies on geophysics, geochemistry, biology, pedology, petrology, mineralogy, industrial minerals, geomaterials, geotechnics, isotope geology, hydrogeology, structural geology, volcanology and remote sensing. Based at the University of Aveiro, with 2 poles at the NOVA Univertisy and Beira Interior, GeoBioTec comprises 5 research groups.

Research Groups (NOVA School of Science and Technology):

  • Georesources, Geotechnics and Geomaterials – prospection, mapping, mining, risk analysis, weathering
  • Sedimentary Basins and Palaeontology – sedimentology, tectonics, biostratigraphy, evolution, global changes, geological heritage
  • Agroindustrial Technology – biofortification, phytoremediation, production and transformation of food raw materials.
More info


Maria Manuela Ribeiro


85 Integrated Members (21 at NOVA FCT) e 61 PhD Students (17 at NOVA FCT)

Partner Institutions

NOVA FCT, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade da Beira Interior


Very Good

Postal address
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
GeoBioSciences, GeoTechnologies and GeoEngineering
Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica


Telephone:+351 212 948 573

Fax: +351 212 948 573