Associated Lab. for Green Chemistry - Clean Technologies and Processes


Associated Lab. for Green Chemistry - Clean Technologies and Processes

Mission Statement

LAQV ́s mission is to cooperate in a continuous, competent and efficient way to achieve a Sustainable development by promoting new technologies that aim to reduce or even eliminate undesirable substances in the design, production and uses of Chemicals.

Thematic Lines

  • Novel Compounds from Renewable Sources
  • Food Quality and Safety
  • Analytical Control and Process Automation
  • Clean (Bio)Chemical Processes
  • Functional Molecules and Materials for Sustainability

Research Groups

  • Bio(Chemical) Process Engineering - Fermentation/reaction, separation/purification, synthesis/processing, water/wastewater treatment and systems biology/metabolic modelling.
  • Catalysis & Functional and Smart Materials – Coordination and materials chemistry, nanochemistry and nanotechnology. Eco‐sustainable catalytic systems. Functional and smart materials.
  • Environmental Chemistry and Health - Waste management, environmental control and (bio)remediation, food safety and public health.
  • Organic Chemistry - Experimental and computational organic chemistry at the interface of chemistry and biology.
  • Photochemistry: From Information And Energy Conversion To Safeguarding Cultural Heritage - Colour in Nature and in Art. Conservation of cultural heritage and solar energy conversion. Chromogenic materials.
  • Natural Products - Phytochemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacology and microbiology.
  • Food Science - Chemical, molecular biology and chemometric methods for food authentication, security and safety.
  • Analytical Chemistry - Automation and miniaturization as tools to implement green chemistry strategies in analytical chemistry.
More info


Baltazar de Castro / João Paulo Crespo (at NOVA FCT)


119 Integrated Members (60 at NOVA FCT), 151 PhD Students (68 at NOVA FCT)

Partner Institutions

NOVA FCT, Universidade do Porto



Postal address
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Associated Lab. for Green Chemistry - Clean Technologies and Processes
Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica


Telephone:+351 212 948 575

Fax: +351 212 948 550