

Arquivo de notícias de September de 2013

The Lectures Mathematics in FCT wll return by next October 1, at 14:00, Room 1A VII.

The first guest of this year will be our colleague Rogério Martins,  with a lecture under the topic Research in Mathematics.


The new Minister for the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, Engineer Jorge Moreira da Silva, will deliver next 24September 2013 at 2.30 pm at the Grand Auditorium of the Faculty, will pronounce the inaugural class of the MSc in Environmental Engineering.


Next 2nd of October, the conference promoting the launching of the "Portugal Steel" project will take place at FCT’s CENIMAT Auditorium. Please click here to read this conference programme.


Maria Isabel Gomes colleague from the Department of Mathematics was awarded the prize for the best article of European Journal of Operational Research, in the category of "Theory and Methodology", in 2010 and 2011.


 Applications are open for the Radiation Biology and Biophysics Doctoral Training Programme (RABBIT). Applications should be completed exclusively through the webpage


PhD student Diogo Almeida awarded with the Sheldon Datz prize from ICPEAC for "Outstanding Young Researcher".


Discovery articulated skeleton of meat-eater dinosaur in Late Jurassic of Lourinhã


Research Grant for the VideoFlow project funded by QREN and  Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) through Programa Operacional de Lisboa


TEDxFCTUNL will take place on the 4th October at FCT/UNL auditorium, Caparica Campus


The Organic Chemical Division of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ) cordially invites you to attend the 10º Portuguese National Meeting of Organic Chemistry and the 1st Portuguese-Brazilian Organic Chemistry Symposium.  

The meeting will be held in the beautiful city of Lisbon at the Pharmacy Faculty of the Lisbon University from 4-6 of September 2013.  
