

NOVA FCT leads innovative postgraduate programme to transform tourism in Portugal


NOVA FCT will coordinate the postgraduate course in Leading Tourism & Hospitality, an innovative and multidisciplinary programme in the field of Tourism, which brings together eight of the nine organic units of NOVA University Lisbon.

The programme integrates different expertise into common challenges: from technology to the humanities, from gastronomy to artificial intelligence, from management to sustainability, from health to culture. Eurico Cabrita, NOVA FCT's Vice-dean for Innovation and Research, and Nélia Câmara, Director of NOVA FCT's Executive School, coordinate the project, ensuring interaction between the different academic and pedagogical components and seminars with experienced professionals in the field.

‘We increasingly realise that tourism has to be based on innovation, science and sustainability,’ said José Alferes, Dean of NOVA FCT.

The ‘Leading Tourism & Hospitality’ postgraduate programme aims to provide professionals in the sector with the necessary tools to boost Portugal's prestige in tourism development and innovation, and to help elevate the country as a tourist destination of excellence.

The training programme has the active participation of partners such as Turismo de Portugal; Grupo Pestana; Details Hospitality, Sports and Leisure; AHP and APAVT.

The launch of the postgraduate course took place on 19 July in the Senate Room of the Rectory of NOVA University Lisbon

José Júlio Alferes, Dean of NOVA FCT

Eurico Cabrita, Vice-Dean for Innovationa and Research