

Inter-University programming marathon FCT NOVA Computer Science Department


Inter-University programming marathon FCT NOVA Computer Science  Department

The Inter-University Programming Marathon (MIUP) is a programming competition for university students; this year was organized by the FCT NOVA Computer Science Department held on 15 October 2016.

The MIUP'16 counted with the participation of 16 teams from 7 schools of higher education, and students of a non-competition team (Secondary Education) which in 2016 had a very good performances in national and international Olympiads of Informatics.

The team "Ancelistas" of the Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto was the winner of MIUP 2016 managing to solve 7 of 9 problems of the competition proof.

The competition is a test program where teams of three elements try in 5 hours solve 9 problems. The goal is to solve the most problems in the shortest time possible. Dexterity problem solving, good knowledge of algorithms, programming speed and good team spirit are important factors in this competition held annually at national level.

The MIUP serves as preparation of Portuguese students to the regional test of Southwest Europe (SWERC) the worldwide competition programming International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC), sponsored annually by the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). 

The SWERC 2016 will take place on 19 and 20 November at the Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto.

The teams qualified in various regional programming competitions for university students will compete in the World Finals of the ACM ICPC.