

Agreement signed between Frontier IP and NOVA FCT


Agreement signed between Frontier IP and NOVA FCT

On 14 September, at the FCT NOVA Library, the agreement between Frontier IP was signed between the Professor Fernando Santana (Dean FCT NOVA) the CEO of Frontier IP, Neil Crabb,  and the British Ambassador in Portugal, Kristy Hayes.

The IP Frontier is a British company specialized in the exploitation and commercialization of intellectual property coming from their partners. Recently, IP Frontier and the FCT NOVA agreed to collaborate together in their activities of spin-offs creation and licensing of emerging of intellectual property rights of research conducted at the Faculty.

The main purpose of this agreement is to promote the maximization of the commercial potential of the strong portfolio of FCT NOVA’s intellectual property through the extensive experience in marketing of Frontier IP using investment capital, thus also expanding in this way the network of the industrial partners of NOVA FCT.