Integrated Master in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering


Integrated Master in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering

Started in the academic year 2009\2010. The minimum number of credits to obtain Master's degree is 300.  The Master is accredited by the Ordem dos Engenheiros and the FEANI (European Federation of National Engineering Associations) in order to assign the EUR ING title (European Engineer). Recently received accreditation by A3ES with the following comments:

  • Course with a strong research connection, based on an expertise hub attracting very motivated students;
  • High capacity to ensure necessary financial resources for excellence in research and teaching;
  • Objectives are aligned with international best practice. Proper students integration in scientific research;
  • Objectives consistency and clear focus on scientific area are reflected into a great integration between research and teaching projects;
  • Strong identification of students with the Course;
  • Strong leadership;
  • Very well equipped laboratories with effective participation of students in laboratory classes;
  • Continues evaluation, system recognized and accepted by all stakeholders;
  • Strong interface with enterprises;
  • Motivated students to business creation. 


For the Integrated Master in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering objectives are:

  • To implement education and trainee in which FCT NOVA and, in particular, DCM through its research center CENIMAT, have international recognition and leadership in the following areas: transparent electronics, electronic paper; nanotechnologies applied to electronic; nano processing devices; smart nanomaterials; nanobiosensors and energy.
  • To provide expertise and skills to the professional practices in Processes of Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies and meeting the requirements of technological research relevant to industry and international recognition. For this purpose it is required that students have a solid scientific background in mathematics and physics strengthened with expertise in the areas of technology; design; management and innovation, linked to the Micro and Nanotechnology processes;
  • To link scientific and technological knowledge to the real needs of labor market in terms of innovation, process effectiveness and their characterization and evaluation;
  • To encourage creativity and taste for resolving industrial problems and or scientific research;
  • To develop teamwork skills, leadership and entrepreneurship.


Career opportunities

O Mestrado em Engenharia de Micro e Nanotecnologias proporciona uma formação adequada para o desempenho de actividades nos seguintes domínios:

  • Industria Electrónica e Microelectrónica
  • Energias Renováveis
  • Empresas de Consultoria, Projecto e Auditoria
  • Ensino e Investigação
  • Empresas de Serviços 

Tuition Fees 

Portuguese students: 697 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year

Without applications after 2021/22

Course coordinator:

Professor Hugo Brito Águas

Registration and Accreditation

DGES - Registration number R/A-Ef 3117/2011 on 18/03/2011

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 09/06/2015

for 6 years

About the Department of Materials Science

The Department of Materials Science (DCM), NOVA School of Science and Technology, was the first to be created nationally in 1976 at the initiative of its first president, Prof. Leopoldo Guimarães. The initial aim was to create university extension courses in the field of materials leading to the creation of a root degree covering a wide range of scientific areas, including metallurgy, semiconductor materials, polymeric materials and mesomorph, ceramic materials and crystals, crystal chemistry and quality control.

Since then the Department of Materials Science has grown and diversified its activities, mainly due to the efforts of its faculty and staff, embodied in a large number of projects (academic and industrial) funded by National, European and International authorities. This allowed its modern adaptation to new technologies, providing  for such a unique laboratory infrastructure in Portugal, for teaching and research, internationally recognized and that has allowed to form Material Science Engineers of high scientific quality , able to respond to current society's demands.

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