Integrated Master in Computer Science


Integrated Master in Computer Science

Started in the academic year 2013/2014. The minimum number of credits to obtain the Bachelor’s degree is 180 (3 years) and for MIEI Master Degree is 300 (5 years), a 3+2 year integrated program (shaped after the Bologna model and the FCT UNL Curricular profile).  The Master is accredited by the Ordem dos Engenheiros and the FEANI (European Federation of National Engineering Associations) in order to assign the EUR ING title (European Engineer). 


The Integrated Master in Computer Engineering aims to form Engineers able to design, to develop project activities, to leadership and to innovate, also, in the context of research, building the bases to access to the 3rd cycle.

The MIEI targets the education of conception level engineers able to act in the fields of IT, Computer Science and related areas. The MIEI at NOVA is an excellent route to a high-performing career in the informatics industry

The 1st cycle provides a formal degree of Licenciatura em Ciência e Engenharia Informática a first certification at the BSc level and it is followed by the 2nd cycle towards the Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática completing the MSc level education in Informatics Engineering at the E3 professional accreditation level of the Engineering Board.

  • 1st Cycle (3 years) yields the BSc Licenciatura em Ciência e Engenharia Informática;
  • 2nd Cycle (2 years) concludes the MSc Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática.


Career opportunities

Computer science is a supporting technology (enabling technology) essential to contemporary society, so Software Engineer are essential in all companies and organizations linked to the development of services, systems and products, in particular those operating in the field of information technology:

  • Software development;
  • Telecommunications, Media, Internet;
  • IT equipment producers;
  • Information Systems Operators (Banking, Insurance);
  • Consulting;
  • Innovation, research and development;
  • Development activities of services and products in areas such as Energy, Management, Medicine, Environment, Transport, Contents, Entertainment, etc.

Integrated training in Computer Engineering FCT NOVA is accredited by the Ordem dos Engenheiros at an E2 level.

Tuition Fees 

Portuguese students: 697 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year

Without applications after 2021/22

Course coordinator:

Professor Nuno Preguiça

Registration and Accreditation

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr 21/2013 on 14/03/2013

Prior accreditation on 18/02/2013, for 6 years

About the Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science is a pioneer institution in advanced education and research in Computer Science in Portugal, and has already graduated thousands of informatics engineers and computer scientists. We currently host around 1200 students enrolled in various programs and courses.

Several of our academic staff are associated to the development of computer science and IT in Portugal, for instance, in the first national connection to the Internet in the 80s, in the graduation of the first PhD degrees, and in the development and consolidation of research and innovation in informatics and computer science.

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