Integrated Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering


Integrated Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Started in the academic year 2006/2007. The minimum number of credits for the degree is 300 (5 years). The Master is accredited by the Ordem dos Engenheiros and the FEANI (European Federation of National Engineering Associations) in order to assign the EUR ING title (European Engineer). 


Education in Electrical and Computer Engineering associate a rapid technological evolution to interdisciplinary growing (Electronics, Telecommunications, Energy, Industrial Control, Digital Systems, Integrated Manufacturing, Information Technology). Thus, Integrated Master aims to prepare students with skills in analysis, specification, project and products use and services in these areas.

These skills are based on the combination between basic and general scientific areas (Mathematics, Physics and Computing) scientific fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering and advanced technological trainee. So, students are well prepared possessing a relevant domain of technologies and computational tools suitable to the areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Provided education includes theoretical and laboratory features developing the student's responsiveness to new situations through a process of continuous learning, strengthening the capacity of their autonomous learning.


Career opportunities

  • Producers of capital goods, with particular focus on the electrical, electronic and communications sector;
  • Mechatronic companies, combining electrical, computer and mechanical components;
  • Automation sectors and integration of any industrial enterprise system;
  • Companies seeking to integrate computer and robotics technologies in their work flow (CIM);
  • Communications and service companies with a strong focus on information technology;
  • Monitoring and control of smart buildings (domotic);
  • Research institutes and universities.

Tuition Fees 

Portuguese students: 697 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year

Without applications after 2021/22

Course coordinator:

Professor Rodolfo Oliveira

Registration and Accreditation

DGES - Registration number R/A-Ef 3120/2011 on 18/03/2011

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 03/12/2013

for 6 years

About the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) is organized into six technical-and-scientifically coherent scientific areas, namely Energy and Electrical Machines, Control and Decision, Digital Systems, Robotics and Integrated Manufacture, Electronics and Telecommunications. Electrical Engineering is the largest department at NOVA School of Science and Technology with 40 faculty and over 1100 undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students.

Our faculty and students continue to advance the state-of-the-art, define new directions for electrical engineering and develop new technologies to help address critical societal challenges. Perhaps even more important is our unceasing commitment to our students, helping them learn, grow, develop and achieve their goals, whether it is becoming a professor, an entrepreneur or joining industry.

There are many advantages to joining Electrical Engineering as a student. We hope to be part of your success.

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