MIT-Portugal Ideia Spring 2009


We would like to invite you to attend the IdeaSpring event on Bio-Innovation that will take place on March 2 at the Biocant Park, Cantanhede.
The IdeaSpring event is organized by the MIT-Portugal Program – Bioengineering focus area and is integrated in the Bio-Innovation Teams project.
The aim of the event is to make public several BioTechnologies with promising economic value developed in the main Portuguese research centers, promoting the interaction between inventors, students, potential investors and other entities interested in the subject of Bioentrepreneurhip.
It is expected that, through a better mutual understanding of the relevant players in the field and the public presentation of BioTechnologies, new partnerships will be established that can contribute to create economic value.
The event, besides short oral presentations of selected Technologies, will have sessions with international entrepreneurs and the presentation of the prizes attributed to the Technologies considered more promising and innovative.
Other details can be found at:
Registration – The participation in this event is free of charge but it requires a registration.
Registration should be made by sending an e-mail to until February 25th with the following details: name, affiliation and contacts.