

NOVA Young Talent Awards honour the best NOVA FCT students


"This award is NOVA's recognition of your dedication and perseverance. May it also serve as an incentive to maintain this level of excellence throughout your academic and future professional careers", stressed NOVA's Dean, João Sàágua, at the beginning of the NOVA Young Talent Awards (NYTA) ceremony, before going on to emphasise that "our goal is clear: to train innovative leaders capable of facing the challenges of the future with resilience and creativity" - in short, "today they are NOVA's young champions. Tomorrow, they will be the leaders the world needs"

The award, presented on July 2nd, at the Rectory of NOVA University Lisbon, distinguished the students who stood out in the first year of their undergraduate degrees. In total, 40 students received the honour, 17 from NOVA FCT.

The students are to be congratulated:

  • Isabel Filipa Dias Terenas (Cell and Molecular Biology)
  • Sofia Brito da Lança Gomes Cano (Biochemistry)
  • Matilde Pimentel Capote (Conservation - Restoration)
  • Sofia Teixeira Amado (Biomedical Engineering)
  • Daniel Dinis Lourinho Aleixo (Civil Engineering)
  • Pedro Miguel Santana Gonçalves Pinto (Materials Engineering)
  • Rodrigo José Martins Candido (Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering)
  • Gonçalo Sobral Torres Aranda da Silva (Environmental Engineering)
  • Daniela Filipa Malacute Moura (Industrial Engineering and Management)
  • Gonçalo Massi Lopes Campos Moreira (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • Helena Moz Serrano (Physics Engineering)
  • Bernardo Guedes Salvado Gracioso (Computer Science and Engineering)
  • Tomás Matias Frango Rebelo (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Maria Duarte Rufino Moreira (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
  • Manuel Louro Madelino (Mathematics)
  • Guilherme Fernandes Santos (Applied Mathematics to Risk Management)
  • Guilherme da Silva Rodrigues (Applied Chemistry)

Included in the University's Strategic Plan for 2020-2030, the Talent@NOVA Program is made up of several subprograms dedicated to all those who make up the NOVA community, whether professors, researchers, collaborators and students. Known as NYTA, the initiative that brought together part of the NOVA community this afternoon is just one of these measures.