

European project with NOVA FCT participation aims to study food heritage


In July, NOVA FCT hosted the inaugural meeting of the "Tradinnovations: An advanced interdisciplinary educational approach to support innovation within food heritage adapted to specific populations' needs" project, in which it is a partner.

The project focuses on the scientific study of food heritage and its adaptation to the needs of specific populations. This research aims to develop an educational framework that incorporates food science, social sciences, and humanities, fostering multidisciplinary approaches and synergies among various scientific fields.

The consortium consists of six academic partners from six European countries and eight associated partners from four countries: France: Institut Agro 2; Ireland: Technological University Dublin; Spain: Polytechnic University of Valencia; Slovenia: University of Ljubljana; Finland: University of Turku; and Portugal: NOVA FCT. The NOVA FCT team coordinates Work Package No. 3, which focuses on educational content and experimentation.

The meeting took place on 4 and 5 July at NOVA FCT's Department of Chemistry , with participation from various consortium representatives. It was opened by Ana Aguiar-Ricardo, Chair of NOVA FCT's Chemistry Department, Ana Lourenço, Coordinator of the Master's in Gastronomic Sciences at NOVA FCT, and Reine Barbar, Professor of Food Sciences and Engineering at IA France. Professors Paulina Mata and Bruno Leite also presented NOVA FCT's Master's in Gastronomic Sciences.