

Carnegie Mellon Mobility Programme honours NOVA FCT students and professor


Two master's students and a professor from NOVA FCT will spend two months at one of the most prestigious American universities, where they will have the opportunity to collaborate and learn from their peers at Carnegie Mellon.

This is the result of the mobility programmes launched by the American university, which aims to boost knowledge sharing between the United States of America and Portugal.

Fabio Chalub, from NOVA FCT's Department of Mathematics, is one of the eight candidates selected under the ‘Visiting Faculty & Researchers’ programme. The professor will explore the topic ‘Using modern techniques in kinetic models to define spatial models in epidemiology’.

CMU Portugal's Visiting Students Programme will take Sahil Kumar, a master's student, to CMU's Human-Computer Interaction Institute, and Frederico Vicente, also studying for his master's at NOVA FCT, who will be hosted by the American institution's Department of Electrical Engineering.