The last signing of contracts cerimony, that took place on 8 March, International Women's Day, was marked by the significant number of women that were welcomed in the team. The ceremony reinforced the administrative team with eight technicians and welcomed a new full professor and a new assistant professor.
In the Department of Mathematics, António José Cunha Malheiro was made official as a Full Professor, and Carla Maria Alexandre Pinheiro is the new Assistant Professor in the Department of Life Sciences.
It was in the administrative area that most of the reinforcement of the NOVA FCT team was felt.During the session, eight new senior technicians were introduced, with seven of them being women.
"Investing in the recruitment of senior technicians aligns with one of the School's core strategies. By pursuing this course, we acknowledge the pivotal role that academic training plays in enhancing the capabilities of a school or a company's workforce. A more skilled team will cultivate greater enthusiasm among employees, enriching the School as a whole,"," explained José Júlio Alferes, Dean of NOVA FCT, during the session.
In this session, we welcomed Jéssica Denise Barbosa Paixão (Finance ), Ana Isabel dos Santos Carvalho Costa (Events and Protocol) signed on as senior technicians; Tiago Manuel Botelho Simões and Zélia Maria Cruz Pereira (Library, Archive and Culture), Adriana Maria de Aguiar Carrasquinho (Undergraduate and Master's Academic Division), Ana Sofia Santos Reis Veiga Mendonça (Mathematics Department), Tânia Raquel Alves dos Santos (Civil Engineering Department) and Fátima Margarida Rego Cordeiro Banha (Psychological Support and Vocational Counselling Office).