

NOVA FCT and Egas Moniz sign cooperation protocol



On November 23rd, a cooperation protocol was signed between the NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA FCT) and Egas Moniz - Cooperativa de Ensino Superior. This protocol aims to facilitate the exchange of technical and scientific knowledge and skills.

Planned initiatives include collaboration in conducting and promoting training activities, joint research and development endeavors, co-organizing congresses, conferences, seminars, webinars, and similar events. Additionally, there are plans for the development of scientific literacy projects targeting the community and the creation of joint training programs across various fields of science, engineering, and teacher preparation.

José Júlio Alferes, the Dean of NOVA FCT, emphasized the importance of this relationship between the two institutions. "We share objectives and experience in a common territory, and it makes perfect sense to strengthen collaboration between these two schools. This protocol formalizes what we have already been developing: close collaboration in terms of pedagogical practices, scientific research, and in the context of the Innovation District," he said.

Acknowledging the trust, Egas Moniz's Chairman of the Board, José João Baltazar Mendes highlighted the opportunity to "deepen synergies in complementary areas between NOVA FCT and Egas Moniz. In addition to the school, we have a network of laboratories and community support services, and this cooperation in the area of research, where NOVA FCT excels, represents a significant step forward."

At the conclusion of the protocol signing, the two leaders emphasized the significance of focusing on the future of both public and private higher education. They committed to collaborating in their respective areas of expertise to enhance academic endeavors.