

5th edition of the Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Physical Laws Hybrid Modelling Summer School attracts participants from industry and academia from around the world


From 2 to 4 October, NOVA FCT hosted the 5th edition of the "Hybrid Modeling Summer School", which brought together experts and those interested in the fundamentals of AI/Physical Law hybrid modelling and its application in the Chemical and Biological industry.

Digitalisation based on Deep Learning (DL) is expected to have a profound impact on the efficiency of manufacturing processes in the future. Hybrid AP/Physics modelling follows the principle that AP should enhance traditional engineering rather than replace it. It has the potential to reduce the number of experiments needed to develop, optimise and control processes. These properties make hybrid modelling approaches particularly interesting for digitising industrial processes.

"I came to learn about the potential and state of the art of hybrid modelling and to understand how to apply it in our company," explains Marta Marçal, one of the students, currently working in the Netherlands at the startup Meatable.

Aimed at PhD-students, Postdoctoral researchers and industry professionals, the school provided contact with renowned experts in the field. The more than 50 participants had access to a strong practical component, enabling them to experiment with hybrid modelling for themselves.

Bovinille Anye Cho, working at the University of Manchester, also took advantage of the summer school to learn about new strategies and innovative solutions in hybrid modelling. "It was very interesting, it opened up horizons for me in this area," he said.

The event was organised by Rui Oliveira, a professor in NOVA FCT's Chemistry Department, and Moritz von Stosch, CSO at DataHow AG, and was attended by 55 participants from 10 countries and 12 companies from all over the world.