

Call for Scientific Employment Stimulus - Institutional: NOVA FCT's Associated Laboratories have 6 contract positions approved


The results of the 2nd edition of the tender for Scientific Employment Stimulus - Institutional (Associated Laboratories), recently published by the Foundation for Science and Technology (I.P), have granted 6 contract positions to 5 of NOVA FCT's Associated Laboratories.

The Institute for Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication (i3N), the Institute for Global Change and Sustainability (CHANGE), the Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry - Clean Technologies and Processes (LAQV/REQUIMTE), the Associated Laboratory for Intelligent Systems (LASI) and the Institute for Health and Bioeconomy (i4HB) were the entities that received funding for the hiring of doctoral researchers. 

The Associated Laboratory status is granted by order of the Government member responsible for Science and Technology area. The LAs are formally consulted in the definition of national science and technology policy programmes and instruments.

As part of the R&D Units of these Associated Laboratories, NOVA FCT is proud to contribute to the development of science and the promotion of scientific or technical careers for doctoral candidates.